function loadtempletfile(byval path)
    on error resume next
    dim objstream
    set objstream = server.createobject("adodb.stream")
    with objstream
        .type = 2
        .mode = 3
        .loadfromfile server.mappath(path)
        if err.number <> 0 then
             response.write("预加载的模板[" & path & "]不存在!")
        end if
        .charset = "" & chrset & ""
        .position = 2
            loadtempletfile = .readtext
    end with
    set objstream = nothing
end function

function movefiles(sFolder,dFolder)
    on error resume next
    dim fso
    set fso = server.createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
    if fso.folderexists(server.mappath(sFolder)) and fso.folderexists(server.mappath(dFolder)) then
        fso.copyfolder server.mappath(sFolder),server.mappath(dFolder)
        movefiles = true
        movefiles = false
        set fso = nothing
        call alertbox("系统没有找到指定的路径[" & sFolder & "]!",2)
    end if
    set fso = nothing
end function

function renamefolder(sFolder,dFolder)
    on error resume next
    dim fso
    set fso = server.createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
    if fso.folderexists(server.mappath(sFolder)) then
        fso.movefolder server.mappath(sFolder),server.mappath(dFolder)
        renamefolder = true
        renamefolder = false
        set fso = nothing
        call alertbox("系统没有找到指定的路径[" & sFolder & "]!",2)
    end if
    set fso = nothing
end function

function checkfolder(sPATH)
    on error resume next
    dim fso
    set fso = server.createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
    if fso.folderexists(server.mappath(sPATH)) then
        checkfolder = true
        checkfolder = false
    end if
    set fso = nothing
end function

function checkfile(sPATH)
    on error resume next
    dim fso
    set fso = server.createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
    if fso.fileexists(server.mappath(sPATH)) then
        checkfile = true
        checkfile = false
    end if
    set fso = nothing
end function

function createdir(sPATH)
    dim fso,pathArr,i,path_Level,pathTmp,cPATH
    on error resume next
    sPATH = replace(sPATH,"\","/")
    set fso = server.createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
        pathArr = split(sPATH,"/")
        path_Level = ubound(pathArr)
        for i = 0 to path_Level
            if i = 0 then pathTmp = pathArr(0) & "/" else pathTmp = pathTmp&pathArr(i) & "/"
            cPATH = left(pathTmp,len(pathTmp)-1)
            if not fso.folderexists(cPATH) then fso.createfolder(cPATH)
    set fso = nothing
    if err.number <> 0 then
        createdir = false
        createdir = true
    end if
end function

function delclassfolder(sPATH)
    on error resume next
    dim fso
    set fso = server.createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
    if fso.folderexists(server.mappath(sPATH)) then
    end if
    set fso = nothing
end function

function delnewsfile(sPATH,filename)
    on error resume next
    dim fso,tempArr,cPATH,ePATH,i:i = 0
    set fso = server.createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
    sPATH = sPATH & filename & site_extname
    if fso.fileexists(server.mappath(sPATH)) then
        while(i <> -1)
            i = i + 1
            ePATH = replace(sPATH,filename & ".",filename & "_" & i + 1 & ".")
            if fso.fileexists(server.mappath(ePATH)) then
                i = -1
            end if
    end if
end function

class stringclass
    public function getstr(strhtml)
        dim PatrnStr
        dim objRegEx
        set objRegEx = new RegExp
            objRegEx.pattern = PatrnStr
            objRegEx.ignorecase = true
            objRegEx.global = true
        getstr = objRegEx.replace(strhtml,"")
        set objRegEx = nothing
    end function
    public function replacestr(patrn,mstr,replstr)
        dim objRegEx
        set objRegEx = new RegExp
            objRegEx.pattern = patrn
            objRegEx.ignorecase = true
            objRegEx.global = true
        replacestr = objRegEx.replace(mstr,replstr)
        set objRegEx = nothing
    end function
    public function classcustomtag(byval patrn,byval mstr,byval classid,byval indexid,byval pagestr)
        dim objRegEx,match,matches
        set objRegEx = new RegExp
            objRegEx.pattern = patrn
            objRegEx.ignorecase = true
            objRegEx.global = true
        set matches = objRegEx.execute(mstr)
        for each match in matches
            mstr = replace(mstr,match.value,parseclasstag(match.value,classid,indexid,pagestr))
        set matches = nothing
        set objRegEx = nothing
        classcustomtag = mstr
    end function
    public function newscustomtag(byval patrn,byval mstr,byval classid,byval newsid,byval keywords)
        dim objRegEx,match,matches
        set objRegEx = new RegExp
            objRegEx.pattern = patrn
            objRegEx.ignorecase = true
            objRegEx.global = true
        set matches = objRegEx.execute(mstr)
        for each match in matches
            mstr = replace(mstr,match.value,parsenewstag(match.value,classid,newsid,keywords))
        set matches = nothing
        set objRegEx = nothing
        newscustomtag = mstr
    end function
end class

function processcustomtag(byval scontent)
    dim objRegEx,match,matches
    set objRegEx = new RegExp
        objRegEx.pattern = "{ncms:[^<>]+?\/}"
        objRegEx.ignorecase = true
        objRegEx.global = true
    set matches = objRegEx.execute(scontent)
    for each match in matches
        scontent = replace(scontent,match.value,parsetag(match.value))
    set matches = nothing
    set objRegEx = nothing
    processcustomtag = scontent
end function

function X_processcustomtag(byval scontent)
    dim objRegEx,match,matches
    set objRegEx = new RegExp
        objRegEx.pattern = "(\[ncms:).+?(\])(.|\n)+?(\[\/ncms\])"
        objRegEx.ignorecase = true
        objRegEx.global = true
    set matches = objRegEx.execute(scontent)
    for each match in matches
        scontent = replace(scontent,match.value,parsetag(match.value))
    set matches = nothing
    set objRegEx = nothing
    X_processcustomtag = scontent
end function

function getattribute(byval strattribute,byval strtag)
    dim objRegEx,matches
    set objRegEx = new RegExp
        objRegEx.pattern = lcase(strattribute)&"=""[0-9a-zA-Z]*"""
        objRegEx.ignorecase = true
        objRegEx.global = true
    set matches = objRegEx.execute(strtag)
    if matches.count > 0 then
        getattribute = split(matches(0).value,"""")(1)
        getattribute = ""
    end if
    set matches = nothing
    set objRegEx = nothing
end function

function getinnerhtml(byval strhtml)
    dim objregex,matches,str
    set objregex = new regexp
    objregex.pattern = "(\])(.|\n)+?(\[\/ncms\])"
    objregex.ignorecase = true
    objregex.global = false
    set matches = objregex.execute(strhtml)
        if matches.count > 0 then
            str = trim(matches.item(0).value)
        end if
    set matches = nothing
    if len(str) > 8 then
        getinnerhtml = mid(str,2,len(str) - 8)
    end if
end function

function parsetag(byval strtag)
    dim arrresult,classname,arrattributes,objclass
    if len(strtag) = 0 then exit function
    arrresult = split(strtag,":")
    classname = split(arrresult(1)," ")(0)
    select case lcase(classname)
        case "news"
            set objclass = new ncmsnewstag
                if not isnumeric(getattribute("id",strtag)) then
                end if
                objclass.id = getattribute("id",strtag)
                if not isnumeric(getattribute("num",strtag)) then
                end if
                objclass.num = getattribute("num",strtag)
                if not isnumeric(getattribute("len",strtag)) then
                end if
                objclass.len = getattribute("len",strtag)
                objclass.show = getattribute("show",strtag)
                if getattribute("lih",strtag) <> "" and not isnumeric(getattribute("lih",strtag)) then
                end if
                objclass.lih = getattribute("lih",strtag)
                if getattribute("imgw",strtag) <> "" and not isnumeric(getattribute("imgw",strtag)) then
                end if
                objclass.imgw = getattribute("imgw",strtag)
                if getattribute("imgh",strtag) <> "" and not isnumeric(getattribute("imgh",strtag)) then
                end if
                objclass.imgh = getattribute("imgh",strtag)
                if getattribute("tgt",strtag) <> "" and getattribute("tgt",strtag) <> "blank" then
                    response.write("标签[ncms:news]参数错误!参数[tgt]必须是[<font color=""red"">blank</font>]!")
                end if
                objclass.tgt = getattribute("tgt",strtag)
                if getattribute("hit",strtag) <> "" and not isnumeric(getattribute("hit",strtag)) then
                end if
                objclass.hit = getattribute("hit",strtag)
                if not isnumeric(getattribute("col",strtag)) then
                end if
                parsetag = objclass.newsshow(getattribute("ty",strtag),getattribute("col",strtag))
            set objclass = nothing
        case "free"
            set objclass = new X_ncmsnewstag
                if not isnumeric(getattribute("id",strtag)) then
                end if
                objclass.id = getattribute("id",strtag)
                if not isnumeric(getattribute("num",strtag)) then
                end if
                objclass.num = getattribute("num",strtag)
                if not isnumeric(getattribute("len",strtag)) then
                end if
                objclass.len = getattribute("len",strtag)
                objclass.show = getattribute("show",strtag)
                if getattribute("lih",strtag) <> "" and not isnumeric(getattribute("lih",strtag)) then
                end if
                objclass.lih = getattribute("lih",strtag)
                if getattribute("hit",strtag) <> "" and not isnumeric(getattribute("hit",strtag)) then
                end if
                objclass.hit = getattribute("hit",strtag)
                if not isnumeric(getattribute("col",strtag)) then
                end if
                parsetag = objclass.newsshow(getattribute("ty",strtag),getattribute("col",strtag),getinnerhtml(strtag))
        case "menu"
            set objclass = new ncmsmenutag
                parsetag = objclass.menushow(getattribute("show",strtag))
            set objclass = nothing
        case "info"
            set objclass = new ncmsinfotag
                if not isnumeric(getattribute("num",strtag)) then
                end if
                objclass.num = getattribute("num",strtag)
                if not isnumeric(getattribute("len",strtag)) then
                end if
                objclass.len = getattribute("len",strtag)
                parsetag = objclass.infoshow()
            set objclass = nothing
        case "head"
            set objclass = new ncmsheadtag
                if not isnumeric(getattribute("num",strtag)) then
                elseif getattribute("num",strtag) > 6 then
                end if
                objclass.num = getattribute("num",strtag)
                if not isnumeric(getattribute("len",strtag)) then
                end if
                objclass.len = getattribute("len",strtag)
                if getattribute("imgw",strtag) <> "" and not isnumeric(getattribute("imgw",strtag)) then
                end if
                objclass.imgw = getattribute("imgw",strtag)
                if getattribute("imgh",strtag) <> "" and not isnumeric(getattribute("imgh",strtag)) then
                end if
                objclass.imgh = getattribute("imgh",strtag)
                if getattribute("size",strtag) <> "" and not isnumeric(getattribute("size",strtag)) then
                end if
                objclass.size = getattribute("size",strtag)
                parsetag = objclass.headshow(getattribute("ty",strtag))
            set objclass = nothing
        case "link"
            set objclass = new ncmslinktag
                if not isnumeric(getattribute("num",strtag)) then
                end if
                objclass.num = getattribute("num",strtag)
                if not isnumeric(getattribute("col",strtag)) then
                end if
                parsetag = objclass.linkshow(getattribute("ty",strtag),getattribute("col",strtag))
            set objclass = nothing
        case else
    end select
end function

function parseclasstag(byval strtag,byval classid,byval indexid,byval pagestr)
    dim arrresult,classname,arrattributes,objclass
    if len(strtag) = 0 then exit function
    arrresult = split(strtag,":")
    classname = split(arrresult(1)," ")(0)
    select case lcase(classname)
        case "list"
            set objclass = new ncmsclasstag
                if not isnumeric(getattribute("len",strtag)) then
                end if
                objclass.len = getattribute("len",strtag)
                objclass.order = getattribute("order",strtag)
                if getattribute("lih",strtag) <> "" and not isnumeric(getattribute("lih",strtag)) then
                end if
                objclass.lih = getattribute("lih",strtag)
                if not isnumeric(getattribute("col",strtag)) then
                end if
                parseclasstag = objclass.classshow(getattribute("ty",strtag),getattribute("col",strtag),classid,indexid,pagestr)
            set objclass = nothing
        case else
    end select
end function

function parsenewstag(byval strtag,byval classid,byval newsid,byval keywords)
    dim arrresult,classname,arrattributes,objclass
    if len(strtag) = 0 then exit function
    arrresult = split(strtag,":")
    classname = split(arrresult(1)," ")(0)
    select case lcase(classname)
        case "relate"
            set objclass = new ncmsrelatetag
                if not isnumeric(getattribute("num",strtag)) then
                end if
                objclass.num = getattribute("num",strtag)
                if not isnumeric(getattribute("len",strtag)) then
                end if
                objclass.len = getattribute("len",strtag)
                if getattribute("lih",strtag) <> "" and not isnumeric(getattribute("lih",strtag)) then
                end if
                objclass.lih = getattribute("lih",strtag)
                if not isnumeric(getattribute("col",strtag)) then
                end if
                parsenewstag = objclass.relateshow(getattribute("col",strtag),classid,newsid,keywords)
            set objclass = nothing
        case "page"
            set objclass = new ncmspagetag
                parsenewstag = objclass.pageshow(getattribute("show",strtag),classid,newsid)
            set objclass = nothing
        case else
    end select
end function

function getcurclasscount(classid)
    dim rs,curclasscount
    set rs = conn.execute("select count(*) from NCMS_news where classid in(" & classid & allchildclass(classid) & ")")
    if instr(rs(0)/n_listnum,".") <> 0 then
        curclasscount = fix(rs(0)/n_listnum) + 1
        curclasscount = rs(0)/n_listnum
    end if
    rs.close:set rs = nothing
    getcurclasscount = curclasscount
end function

class ncmsclasstag
    public ty,len,order,lih
    public function classshow(stype,scolumn,classid,indexid,pagestr)
        dim TempHTM,xsql,rs,sql,databox,l,obox
            TempHTM = "" & chr(10) & "<table cellpadding=""0"" cellspacing=""0"" width=""100%"" border=""0"">" & chr(10)
            TempHTM = TempHTM & "<tr>" & chr(10)
        if indexid = "" or indexid = 0 then
            indexid = 1
        end if
        select case stype
            case "text"
                set rs = server.createobject("adodb.recordset")
                if order = "desc" then
                    sql = "select classid,title,click,filename,addtime from NCMS_news where classid in(" & classid & allchildclass(classid) & ") and created=1 and pagetype=0 order by id desc"
                elseif order = "asc" then
                    sql = "select classid,title,click,filename,addtime from NCMS_news where classid in(" & classid & allchildclass(classid) & ") and created=1 and pagetype=0 order by id asc"
                end if
                rs.cursorlocation = 3
                rs.open sql,conn,1,3
                if rs.eof then
                    rs.close:set rs = nothing
                    TempHTM = "<li><font color=""red"">暂时没有新闻!</font></li>"
                    classshow = TempHTM
                    exit function
                end if
                rs.pagesize = n_listnum
                rs.absolutepage = indexid
                for l = 1 to rs.pagesize
                    if rs.eof then exit for
                    TempHTM = TempHTM & "<td height=""" & lih & """ align=""left"" valign=""middle"">·<a href=""" & site_root & "/" & site_html & "/" & getclasspath(rs("classid")) & "/" & rs("filename") & site_extname & """ title=""" & rs("title") & """>" & gottopic(rs("title"),len) & "</a></td>" & chr(10)
                    TempHTM = TempHTM & "<td height=""" & lih & """ align=""center"" valign=""middle"">" & rs("click") & "</td>" & chr(10)
                    TempHTM = TempHTM & "<td height=""" & lih & """ align=""center"" valign=""middle"">" & rs("addtime") & "</td>" & chr(10)
                    if l = rs.pagesize then
                        TempHTM = TempHTM & "</tr>" & chr(10)
                        if cint(l mod scolumn) = 0 then
                            TempHTM = TempHTM & "</tr>" & chr(10)
                            TempHTM = TempHTM & "<tr>" & chr(10)
                        end if
                    end if
                rs.close:set rs = nothing
                TempHTM = TempHTM & "</table>" & chr(10)
                classshow = TempHTM & pagestr
            case "image"
                if IsObjInstalled("persits.jpeg") = true and jpeg_gate = 0 then
                    set rs = server.createobject("adodb.recordset")
                    if order = "desc" then
                        sql = "select classid,title,bimg,filename,addtime from NCMS_news where classid in(" & classid & allchildclass(classid) & ") and isimg=1 and created=1 and pagetype=0 order by id desc"
                    elseif order = "asc" then
                        sql = "select classid,title,bimg,filename,addtime from NCMS_news where classid in(" & classid & allchildclass(classid) & ") and isimg=1 and created=1 and pagetype=0 order by id asc"
                    end if
                    rs.cursorlocation = 3
                    rs.open sql,conn,1,3
                    if rs.eof then
                        rs.close:set rs = nothing
                        TempHTM = "<li><font color=""red"">暂时没有新闻!</font></li>"
                        classshow = TempHTM
                        exit function
                    end if
                    rs.pagesize = n_listnum
                    rs.absolutepage = indexid
                    for l = 1 to rs.pagesize
                        if rs.eof then exit for
                        TempHTM = TempHTM & "<td><div id=""simg""><a href=""" & site_root & "/" & site_html & "/" & getclasspath(rs("classid")) & "/" & rs("filename") & site_extname & """><img height=""" & jpeg_height & """ src=""" & site_root & "/" & site_upload & "/" & site_simg & "/" & rs("bimg") & """ width=""" & jpeg_width & """ alt=""" & rs("title") & """ /></a></div></td>" & chr(10)
                        if l = rs.pagesize then
                            TempHTM = TempHTM & "</tr>" & chr(10)
                            if cint(l mod scolumn) = 0 then
                                TempHTM = TempHTM & "</tr>" & chr(10)
                                TempHTM = TempHTM & "<tr>" & chr(10)
                            end if
                        end if
                        if checkfile("" & site_root & "/" & site_upload & "/" & site_bimg & "/" & rs("bimg") & "") = true then
                            set obox = server.createobject("persits.jpeg")
                                obox.open server.mappath("" & site_root & "/" & site_upload & "/" & site_bimg & "/" & rs("bimg") & "")
                                obox.width = jpeg_width
                                obox.height = jpeg_height
                                obox.save server.mappath("" & site_root & "/" & site_upload & "/" & site_simg & "/" & rs("bimg") & "")
                            set obox = nothing
                        end if
                    rs.close:set rs = nothing
                    TempHTM = TempHTM & "</table>" & chr(10)
                    classshow = TempHTM & pagestr
                    set rs = server.createobject("adodb.recordset")
                    if order = "desc" then
                        sql = "select classid,title,bimg,filename,addtime from NCMS_news where classid in(" & classid & allchildclass(classid) & ") and isimg=1 and created=1 and pagetype=0 order by id desc"
                    elseif order = "asc" then
                        sql = "select classid,title,bimg,filename,addtime from NCMS_news where classid in(" & classid & allchildclass(classid) & ") and isimg=1 and created=1 and pagetype=0 order by id asc"
                    end if
                    rs.cursorlocation = 3
                    rs.open sql,conn,1,3
                    if rs.eof then
                        rs.close:set rs = nothing
                        TempHTM = "<li><font color=""red"">暂时没有新闻!</font></li>"
                        classshow = TempHTM
                        exit function
                    end if
                    rs.pagesize = n_listnum
                    rs.absolutepage = indexid
                    for l = 1 to rs.pagesize
                        if rs.eof then exit for
                        TempHTM = TempHTM & "<td><div id=""simg""><a href=""" & site_root & "/" & site_html & "/" & getclasspath(rs("classid")) & "/" & rs("filename") & site_extname & """><img height=""" & jpeg_height & """ src=""" & site_root & "/" & site_upload & "/" & site_bimg & "/" & rs("bimg") & """ width=""" & jpeg_width & """ alt=""" & rs("title") & """ /></a></div></td>" & chr(10)
                        if l = rs.pagesize then
                            TempHTM = TempHTM & "</tr>" & chr(10)
                            if cint(l mod scolumn) = 0 then
                                TempHTM = TempHTM & "</tr>" & chr(10)
                                TempHTM = TempHTM & "<tr>" & chr(10)
                            end if
                        end if
                    rs.close:set rs = nothing
                    TempHTM = TempHTM & "</table>" & chr(10)
                    classshow = TempHTM & pagestr
                end if
            case else
        end select
    end function
end class

class ncmsnewstag
    public id,ty,show,len,num,lih,imgw,imgh,tgt,hit
    public function newsshow(stype,scolumn)
        dim TempHTM,xsql,rs,databox,i,imgdot,obox
            TempHTM = "" & chr(10) & "<table cellpadding=""0"" cellspacing=""0"" width=""100%"" border=""0"">" & chr(10)
            TempHTM = TempHTM & "<tr>" & chr(10)
        if tgt = "" then
            tgt = "self"
        end if
        select case stype
            case "text"
                if show = "new" then
                    if id = 0 then
                        set rs = conn.execute("select top " & num & " classid,title,isimg,filename from NCMS_news where created=1 and pagetype=0 order by id desc")
                        set rs = conn.execute("select top " & num & " classid,title,isimg,filename from NCMS_news where classid in(" & id & allchildclass(id) & ") and created=1 and pagetype=0 order by id desc")
                    end if
                elseif show = "elite" then
                    if id = 0 then
                        set rs = conn.execute("select top " & num & " classid,title,isimg,filename from NCMS_news where elite=1 and created=1 and pagetype=0 order by id desc")
                        set rs = conn.execute("select top " & num & " classid,title,isimg,filename from NCMS_news where classid in(" & id & allchildclass(id) & ") and elite=1 and created=1 and pagetype=0 order by id desc")
                    end if
                elseif show = "hot" then
                    if id = 0 then
                        set rs = conn.execute("select top " & num & " classid,title,isimg,filename from NCMS_news where click>=" & hit & " and created=1 and pagetype=0 order by click desc")
                        set rs = conn.execute("select top " & num & " classid,title,isimg,filename from NCMS_news where classid in(" & id & allchildclass(id) & ") and click>=" & hit & " and created=1 and pagetype=0 order by click desc")
                    end if
                end if
                if rs.eof then
                    rs.close:set rs = nothing
                    TempHTM = "<li><font color=""red"">暂时没有新闻!</font></li>"
                    newsshow = TempHTM
                    exit function
                    databox = rs.getrows()
                    rs.close:set rs = nothing
                    for i = 0 to ubound(databox,2)
                        if databox(2,i) = 1 and show = "new" then
                            imgdot = "[<font color=""red"" size=""2"">图</font>]"
                            imgdot = ""
                        end if
                        TempHTM = TempHTM & "<td height=""" & lih & """ align=""left"" valign=""middle"">·<a href=""" & site_root & "/" & site_html & "/" & getclasspath(databox(0,i)) & "/" & databox(3,i) & site_extname & """ title=""" & databox(1,i) & """ target=""_" & tgt & """>" & gottopic(databox(1,i),len) & imgdot & "</a></td>" & chr(10)
                        if i = ubound(databox,2) then
                            TempHTM = TempHTM & "</tr>" & chr(10)
                            if cint((i+1) mod scolumn) = 0 then
                                TempHTM = TempHTM & "</tr>" & chr(10)
                                TempHTM = TempHTM & "<tr>" & chr(10)
                            end if
                        end if
                    databox = ""
                    TempHTM = TempHTM & "</table>" & chr(10)
                    newsshow = TempHTM
                end if
            case "image"
                if IsObjInstalled("persits.jpeg") = true and jpeg_gate = 0 then
                    if show = "new" then
                        if id = 0 then
                            set rs = conn.execute("select top " & num & " classid,title,bimg,simg,filename from NCMS_news where isimg=1 and created=1 and pagetype=0 order by id desc")
                            set rs = conn.execute("select top " & num & " classid,title,bimg,simg,filename from NCMS_news where classid in(" & id & allchildclass(id) & ") and isimg=1 and created=1 and pagetype=0 order by id desc")
                        end if
                    elseif show = "elite" then
                        if id = 0 then
                            set rs = conn.execute("select top " & num & " classid,title,bimg,simg,filename from NCMS_news where elite=1 and isimg=1 and created=1 and pagetype=0 order by id desc")
                            set rs = conn.execute("select top " & num & " classid,title,bimg,simg,filename from NCMS_news where classid in(" & id & allchildclass(id) & ") and elite=1 and isimg=1 and created=1 and pagetype=0 order by id desc")
                        end if
                    elseif show = "hot" then
                        if id = 0 then
                            set rs = conn.execute("select top " & num & " classid,title,bimg,simg,filename from NCMS_news where click>=" & hit & " and isimg=1 and created=1 and pagetype=0 order by id desc")
                            set rs = conn.execute("select top " & num & " classid,title,bimg,simg,filename from NCMS_news where classid in(" & id & allchildclass(id) & ") and click>=" & hit & " and isimg=1 and created=1 and pagetype=0 order by id desc")
                        end if
                    end if
                    if rs.eof then
                        rs.close:set rs = nothing
                        TempHTM = "<li><font color=""red"">暂时没有新闻!</font></li>"
                        newsshow = TempHTM
                        exit function
                        databox = rs.getrows()
                        rs.close:set rs = nothing
                        for i = 0 to ubound(databox,2)
                            TempHTM = TempHTM & "<td>" & chr(10)
                            TempHTM = TempHTM & "<div id=""simg""><a href=""" & site_root & "/" & site_html & "/" & getclasspath(databox(0,i)) & "/" & databox(4,i) & site_extname & """ target=""_" & tgt & """><img src=""" & site_root & "/" & site_upload & "/" & site_simg & "/" & databox(2,i) & """ alt=""" & databox(1,i) & """ /><br />" & gottopic(databox(1,i),len) & "</a></div>" & chr(10)
                            TempHTM = TempHTM & "</td>" & chr(10)
                            if i = ubound(databox,2) then
                                TempHTM = TempHTM & "</tr>" & chr(10)
                                if cint((i+1) mod scolumn) = 0 then
                                    TempHTM = TempHTM & "</tr>" & chr(10)
                                    TempHTM = TempHTM & "<tr>" & chr(10)
                                end if
                            end if
                            if checkfile("" & site_root & "/" & site_upload & "/" & site_bimg & "/" & databox(2,i) & "") = true then
                                set obox = server.createobject("persits.jpeg")
                                    obox.open server.mappath("" & site_root & "/" & site_upload & "/" & site_bimg & "/" & databox(2,i) & "")
                                if imgw = "" or imgh = "" then
                                    obox.width = jpeg_width
                                    obox.height = jpeg_height
                                    obox.width = imgw
                                    obox.height = imgh
                                end if
                                    obox.save server.mappath("" & site_root & "/" & site_upload & "/" & site_simg & "/" & databox(3,i) & "")
                                set obox = nothing
                            end if
                        databox = ""
                        TempHTM = TempHTM & "</tr>" & chr(10)
                        TempHTM = TempHTM & "</table>" & chr(10)
                        newsshow = TempHTM
                    end if
                    if show = "new" then
                        if id = 0 then
                            set rs = conn.execute("select top " & num & " classid,title,bimg,filename from NCMS_news where isimg=1 and created=1 and pagetype=0 order by id desc")
                            set rs = conn.execute("select top " & num & " classid,title,bimg,filename from NCMS_news where classid in(" & id & allchildclass(id) & ") and isimg=1 and created=1 and pagetype=0 order by id desc")
                        end if
                    elseif show = "elite" then
                        if id = 0 then
                            set rs = conn.execute("select top " & num & " classid,title,bimg,filename from NCMS_news where elite=1 and isimg=1 and created=1 and pagetype=0 order by id desc")
                            set rs = conn.execute("select top " & num & " classid,title,bimg,filename from NCMS_news where classid in(" & id & allchildclass(id) & ") and elite=1 and isimg=1 and created=1 and pagetype=0 order by id desc")
                        end if
                    elseif show = "hot" then
                        if id = 0 then
                            set rs = conn.execute("select top " & num & " classid,title,bimg,filename from NCMS_news where click>=" & hit & " and isimg=1 and created=1 and pagetype=0 order by id desc")
                            set rs = conn.execute("select top " & num & " classid,title,bimg,filename from NCMS_news where classid in(" & id & allchildclass(id) & ") and click>=" & hit & " and isimg=1 and created=1 and pagetype=0 order by id desc")
                        end if
                    end if
                    if rs.eof then
                        rs.close:set rs = nothing
                        TempHTM = "<li><font color=""red"">暂时没有新闻!</font></li>"
                        newsshow = TempHTM
                        exit function
                        databox = rs.getrows()
                        rs.close:set rs = nothing
                        for i = 0 to ubound(databox,2)
                            TempHTM = TempHTM & "<td><div id=""simg""><a href=""" & site_root & "/" & site_html & "/" & getclasspath(databox(0,i)) & "/" & databox(3,i) & site_extname & """ target=""_" & tgt & """><img height=""" & jpeg_height & """ src=""" & site_root & "/" & site_upload & "/" & site_bimg & "/" & databox(2,i) & """ width=""" & jpeg_width & """ alt=""" & databox(1,i) & """ /></a></div></td>" & chr(10)
                            if i = ubound(databox,2) then
                                TempHTM = TempHTM & "</tr>" & chr(10)
                                if cint((i+1) mod scolumn) = 0 then
                                    TempHTM = TempHTM & "</tr>" & chr(10)
                                    TempHTM = TempHTM & "<tr>" & chr(10)
                                end if
                            end if
                        databox = ""
                        TempHTM = TempHTM & "</tr>" & chr(10)
                        TempHTM = TempHTM & "</table>" & chr(10)
                        newsshow = TempHTM
                    end if
                end if
            case else
        end select
    end function
end class

class ncmsinfotag
    public len,num
    public function infoshow()
        dim TempHTM,rs,databox,i
            TempHTM = "" & chr(10) & "<table cellpadding=""0"" cellspacing=""0"" width=""100%"" border=""0"">" & chr(10)
            TempHTM = TempHTM & "<tr>" & chr(10)
        set rs = conn.execute("select top " & num & " content,addtime from NCMS_info order by addtime desc")
        if rs.eof then
            rs.close:set rs = nothing
            TempHTM = "<li><font color=""red"">暂时没有公告信息!</font></li>"
            infoshow = TempHTM
            exit function
            databox = rs.getrows()
            rs.close:set rs = nothing
            for i = 0 to ubound(databox,2)
                TempHTM = TempHTM & "<td>" & gottopic(databox(0,i),len) & "(" & databox(1,i) & ")</td>" & chr(10)
            databox = ""
            TempHTM = TempHTM & "</tr>" & chr(10)
            TempHTM = TempHTM & "</table>" & chr(10)
            infoshow = TempHTM
        end if
    end function
end class

class ncmsheadtag
    public ty,len,num,imgw,imgh,size
    public function headshow(stype)
        dim rs,databox,TempHTM,i,NcmsP,NcmsL,NcmsT,tempstr:tempstr = "|"
        select case stype
            case "text"
                TempHTM = "" & chr(10) & "<table cellpadding=""0"" cellspacing=""0"" width=""100%"" border=""0"">" & chr(10)
                set rs = conn.execute("select top " & num & " id,classid,title,content,filename from NCMS_news where head=1 and isimg=0 and created=1 and pagetype=0 order by id desc")
                if rs.eof then
                    rs.close:set rs = nothing
                    TempHTM = "<li><font color=""red"">暂时没有头条新闻!</font></li>"
                    headshow = TempHTM
                    exit function
                    databox = rs.getrows()
                    rs.close:set rs = nothing
                    for i = 0 to ubound(databox,2)
                        TempHTM = TempHTM & "<tr><td><a href=""" & site_root & "/" & site_html & "/" & getclasspath(databox(1,i)) & "/" & databox(4,i) & site_extname & """ target=""_blank""><font size=""" & size & """><b>" & databox(2,i) & "</b></font></a></td></tr>" & chr(10)
                        TempHTM = TempHTM & "<tr><td>" & gottopic(LoseHtml(databox(3,i)),len) & "[<a href=""" & site_root & "/tools/comment.asp?newsid=" & databox(0,i) & "&newstitle=" & getnewstitle(databox(0,i)) & "#comment"" target=""_blank"" title=""评论""><font color=""red"" size=""2"">评论</font></a>]</td></tr>" & chr(10)
                    databox = ""
                    TempHTM = TempHTM & "</table>" & chr(10)
                    headshow = TempHTM
                end if
            case "image"
                set rs = conn.execute("select top " & num & " classid,title,bimg,filename from NCMS_news where head=1 and isimg=1 and created=1 and pagetype=0 order by id desc")
                if rs.eof then
                    rs.close:set rs = nothing
                    TempHTM = "<li><font color=""red"">暂时没有头条新闻!</font></li>"
                    headshow = TempHTM
                    exit function
                    databox = rs.getrows()
                    rs.close:set rs = nothing
                    for i = 0 to ubound(databox,2)
                        NcmsP = NcmsP & "" & site_root & "/" & site_upload & "/" & site_bimg & "/" & databox(2,i) & tempstr & ""
                        NcmsL = NcmsL & "" & site_root & "/" & site_html & "/" & getclasspath(databox(0,i)) & "/" & databox(3,i) & site_extname & tempstr & ""
                        NcmsT = NcmsT & "" & gottopic(databox(1,i),len) & tempstr & ""
                    databox = ""
                    TempHTM = TempHTM & "" & chr(10) & "<script language=""JavaScript"" type=""text/javascript"">" & chr(10)
                    TempHTM = TempHTM & "<!--" & chr(10)
                    TempHTM = TempHTM & "var NcmsPW = " & imgw & "" & chr(10)
                    TempHTM = TempHTM & "var NcmsPH = " & imgh & "" & chr(10)
                    TempHTM = TempHTM & "var NcmsTH = 0" & chr(10)
                    TempHTM = TempHTM & "var NcmsAH = NcmsPH + NcmsTH" & chr(10)
                    TempHTM = TempHTM & "var NcmsP = '" & left(NcmsP,strlength(NcmsP) - 1) & "'" & chr(10)
                    TempHTM = TempHTM & "var NcmsL = '" & left(NcmsL,strlength(NcmsL) - 1) & "'" & chr(10)
                    TempHTM = TempHTM & "var NcmsT = '" & left(NcmsT,strlength(NcmsT) - 1) & "'" & chr(10)
                    TempHTM = TempHTM & "document.write('<object classid=""clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000"" codebase=""http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0,0,0"" width=""'+NcmsPW+'"" height=""'+NcmsAH+'"">');" & chr(10)
                    TempHTM = TempHTM & "document.write('<param name=""allowScriptAccess"" value=""sameDomain"">');" & chr(10)
                    TempHTM = TempHTM & "document.write('<param name=""movie"" value=""" & site_root & "/images/ncms/head.swf"">');" & chr(10)
                    TempHTM = TempHTM & "document.write('<param name=""quality"" value=""high"">');" & chr(10)
                    TempHTM = TempHTM & "document.write('<param name=""bgcolor"" value=""#252f3c"">');" & chr(10)
                    TempHTM = TempHTM & "document.write('<param name=""menu"" value=""false"">');" & chr(10)
                    TempHTM = TempHTM & "document.write('<param name=""wmode"" value=""opaque"">');" & chr(10)
                    TempHTM = TempHTM & "document.write('<param name=""FlashVars"" value=""pics='+NcmsP+'&links='+NcmsL+'&texts='+NcmsT+'&borderwidth='+NcmsPW+'&borderheight='+NcmsPH+'&NcmsTHeight='+NcmsTH+'"">');" & chr(10)
                    TempHTM = TempHTM & "document.write('<embed src=""" & site_root & "/images/ncms/head.swf"" wmode=""opaque"" FlashVars=""pics='+NcmsP+'&links='+NcmsL+'&texts='+NcmsT+'&borderwidth='+NcmsPW+'&borderheight='+NcmsPH+'&NcmsTHeight='+NcmsTH+'"" menu=""false"" bgcolor=""#252f3c"" quality=""high"" width=""'+NcmsPW+'"" height=""'+NcmsAH+'"" allowScriptAccess=""sameDomain"" type=""application/x-shockwave-flash"" pluginspage=""http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer"" />');" & chr(10)
                    TempHTM = TempHTM & "document.write('</object>');" & chr(10)
                    TempHTM = TempHTM & "//-->" & chr(10)
                    TempHTM = TempHTM & "</script>" & chr(10)
                    headshow = TempHTM
                end if
            case else
        end select
    end function
end class

class ncmslinktag
    public num,ty
    public function linkshow(stype,scolumn)
        dim TempHTM,rs,databox,i
            TempHTM = "" & chr(10) & "<table cellpadding=""0"" cellspacing=""0"" width=""100%"" border=""0"">" & chr(10)
            TempHTM = TempHTM & "<tr>" & chr(10)
        select case stype
            case "text"
                set rs = conn.execute("select top " & num & " name,site from NCMS_link where kinds=0 order by orders asc")
                if rs.eof then
                    rs.close:set rs = nothing
                    TempHTM = "<li><font color=""red"">暂时没有文字连接!</font></li>"
                    linkshow = TempHTM
                    exit function
                    databox = rs.getrows()
                    rs.close:set rs = nothing
                    for i = 0 to ubound(databox,2)
                        TempHTM = TempHTM & "<td><a href=""" & databox(1,i) & """ title=""" & databox(0,i) & """ target=""_blank"">" & databox(0,i) & "</a></td>" & chr(10)
                        if i = ubound(databox,2) then
                            TempHTM = TempHTM & "</tr>" & chr(10)
                            if cint((i+1) mod scolumn) = 0 then
                                TempHTM = TempHTM & "</tr>" & chr(10)
                                TempHTM = TempHTM & "<tr>" & chr(10)
                            end if
                        end if
                    databox = ""
                    TempHTM = TempHTM & "</table>" & chr(10)
                    linkshow = TempHTM
                end if
            case "image"
                set rs = conn.execute("select top " & num & " name,site,logo from NCMS_link where kinds=1 order by orders asc")
                if rs.eof then
                    rs.close:set rs = nothing
                    TempHTM = "<li><font color=""red"">暂时没有图片连接!</font></li>"
                    linkshow = TempHTM
                    exit function
                    databox = rs.getrows()
                    rs.close:set rs = nothing
                    for i = 0 to ubound(databox,2)
                        TempHTM = TempHTM & "<td><a href=""" & databox(1,i) & """ target=""_blank""><img src=""" & databox(2,i) & """ alt=""" & databox(0,i) & """ /></a></td>" & chr(10)
                        if i = ubound(databox,2) then
                            TempHTM = TempHTM & "</tr>" & chr(10)
                            if cint((i+1) mod scolumn) = 0 then
                                TempHTM = TempHTM & "</tr>" & chr(10)
                                TempHTM = TempHTM & "<tr>" & chr(10)
                            end if
                        end if
                    databox = ""
                    TempHTM = TempHTM & "</table>" & chr(10)
                    linkshow = TempHTM
                end if
            case else
        end select
    end function
end class

class ncmsmenutag
    public show
    public function menushow(stype)
        dim TempHTM,rs,databox,i,tempstr:tempstr = " | "
        select case stype
            case "center"
                TempHTM = "" & chr(10) & "<div id=""navbox"">" & chr(10)
                TempHTM = TempHTM & "<ul id=""nav"">" & chr(10)
                set rs = conn.execute("select id,cname,ename,isout,isurl,link from NCMS_class where parent=0 and kinds=1 order by orders asc")
                if rs.eof then
                    rs.close:set rs = nothing
                    TempHTM = ""
                    menushow = TempHTM
                    exit function
                    databox = rs.getrows()
                    rs.close:set rs = nothing
                end if
                for i = 0 to ubound(databox,2)
                    if databox(4,i) = 0 then
                        TempHTM = TempHTM & "<li><a href=""" & site_root & "/" & site_html & "/" & databox(2,i) & "/index" & site_extname & """ title=""" & databox(1,i) & """>" & databox(1,i) & "</a>" & childmenushow(databox(0,i)) & "</li>" & chr(10)
                    elseif databox(3,i) = 1 then
                        if databox(4,i) = 0 then
                            TempHTM = TempHTM & "<li><a href=""" & site_root & "/" & site_html & "/" & databox(2,i) & "/" & databox(5,i) & """ title=""" & databox(1,i) & """>" & databox(1,i) & "</a>" & childmenushow(databox(0,i)) & "</li>" & chr(10)
                        elseif databox(4,i) = 1 then
                            TempHTM = TempHTM & "<li><a href=""" & databox(5,i) & """ title=""" & databox(1,i) & """>" & databox(1,i) & "</a></li>" & chr(10)
                        end if
                    end if
                next:databox = ""
                TempHTM = TempHTM & "</ul>" & chr(10)
                TempHTM = TempHTM & "</div>" & chr(10)
                menushow = TempHTM
            case "top"
                set rs = conn.execute("select id,cname,ename,isout,isurl,link from NCMS_class where parent=0 and kinds=2 order by orders asc")
                if rs.eof then
                    rs.close:set rs = nothing
                    TempHTM = ""
                    menushow = TempHTM
                    exit function
                    databox = rs.getrows()
                    rs.close:set rs = nothing
                    for i = 0 to ubound(databox,2)
                        if i = ubound(databox,2) then tempstr = ""
                        if databox(3,i) = 0 then
                            TempHTM = TempHTM & "<a href=""" & site_root & "/" & site_html & "/" & databox(2,i) & "/index" & site_extname & """>" & databox(1,i) & "</a>" & tempstr & ""
                        elseif databox(3,i) = 1 then
                            if databox(4,i) = 0 then
                                TempHTM = TempHTM & "<a href=""" & site_root & "/" & site_html & "/" & databox(2,i) & "/" & databox(5,i) & """>" & databox(1,i) & "</a>" & tempstr & ""
                            elseif databox(4,i) = 1 then
                                TempHTM = TempHTM & "<a href=""" & databox(5,i) & """>" & databox(1,i) & "</a>" & tempstr & ""
                            end if
                        end if
                    menushow = TempHTM
                end if
            case "bottom"
                set rs = conn.execute("select id,cname,ename,isout,isurl,link from NCMS_class where parent=0 and kinds=3 order by orders asc")
                if rs.eof then
                    rs.close:set rs = nothing
                    TempHTM = ""
                    menushow = TempHTM
                    exit function
                    databox = rs.getrows()
                    rs.close:set rs = nothing
                    for i = 0 to ubound(databox,2)
                        if i = ubound(databox,2) then tempstr = ""
                        if databox(3,i) = 0 then
                            TempHTM = TempHTM & "<a href=""" & site_root & "/" & site_html & "/" & databox(2,i) & "/"">" & databox(1,i) & "</a>" & tempstr & ""
                        elseif databox(3,i) = 1 then
                            if databox(4,i) = 0 then
                                TempHTM = TempHTM & "<a href=""" & site_root & "/" & site_html & "/" & databox(2,i) & "/" & databox(5,i) & """>" & databox(1,i) & "</a>" & tempstr & ""
                            elseif databox(4,i) = 1 then
                                TempHTM = TempHTM & "<a href=""" & databox(5,i) & """>" & databox(1,i) & "</a>" & tempstr & ""
                            end if
                        end if
                    menushow = TempHTM
                end if
            case else
        end select
    end function
    private function childmenushow(id)
        dim TempHTM,rschild,box,j
            TempHTM = "" & chr(10) & "<ul>" & chr(10)
        set rschild = conn.execute("select id,cname,ename,isout,isurl,link from NCMS_class where parent=" & id & " and kinds=1 order by orders asc")
        if rschild.eof then
            rschild.close:set rschild = nothing
            TempHTM = ""
            childmenushow = TempHTM
            exit function
            box = rschild.getrows()
            rschild.close:set rschild = nothing
        end if
        for j = 0 to ubound(box,2)
            if box(3,j) = 0 then
                TempHTM = TempHTM & "<li><a href=""" & site_root & "/" & site_html & "/" & box(2,j) & "/"" title=""" & box(1,j) & """>" & box(1,j) & "</a></li>" & chr(10)
            elseif box(3,j) = 1 then
                if box(4,j) = 0 then
                    TempHTM = TempHTM & "<li><a href=""" & site_root & "/" & site_html & "/" & box(2,j) & "/" & box(5,j) & """ title=""" & box(1,j) & """>" & box(1,j) & "</a></li>" & chr(10)
                elseif box(4,j) = 1 then
                    TempHTM = TempHTM & "<li><a href=""" & box(5,j) & """ title=""" & box(1,j) & """>" & box(1,j) & "</a></li>" & chr(10)
                end if
            end if
        next:box = ""
        TempHTM = TempHTM & "</ul>" & chr(10)
        childmenushow = TempHTM
    end function
end class

class ncmsrelatetag
    public len,num,lih
    public function relateshow(scolumn,classid,newsid,keywords)
        if keywords = "" or isnull(keywords) then
            relateshow = "<li><font color=""red"">暂时没有相关新闻!</font></li>"
            exit function
        end if
        dim arr,i,TempSql
            arr = split(keywords,",",3,1)
        for i = 0 to ubound(arr)
            if TempSql <> "" then
                TempSql = TempSql & "or title like '%" & arr(i) & "%' or keywords like '%" & arr(i) & "%'"
                TempSql = TempSql & "title like '%" & arr(i) & "%' or keywords like '%" & arr(i) & "%'"
            end if
        if TempSql <> "" then
            TempSql = "where (" & TempSql & ") and classid=" & classid & " and id <> " & newsid & " order by id desc"
        end if
        dim TempHTM:TempHTM = "" & chr(10) & "<table cellpadding=""0"" cellspacing=""0"" width=""100%"" border=""0"">" & chr(10)
            TempHTM = TempHTM & "<tr>" & chr(10)
        dim rs,databox,j
        set rs = conn.execute("select top " & num & " classid,title,filename from NCMS_news " & TempSql)
        if rs.eof then
            rs.close:set rs = nothing
            TempHTM = "<li><font color=""red"">暂时没有相关新闻!</font></li>"
            relateshow = TempHTM
            databox = rs.getrows()
            rs.close:set rs = nothing
            for j = 0 to ubound(databox,2)
                TempHTM = TempHTM & "<td height=""" & lih & """ align=""left"" valign=""middle"">·<a href=""" & site_root & "/" & site_html & "/" & getclasspath(databox(0,j)) & "/" & databox(2,j) & site_extname & """ title=""" & databox(1,j) & """ target=""_blank"">" & gottopic(databox(1,j),len) & "</a></td>" & chr(10)
                if j = ubound(databox,2) then
                    TempHTM = TempHTM & "</tr>" & chr(10)
                    if cint((j+1) mod scolumn) = 0 then
                        TempHTM = TempHTM & "</tr>" & chr(10)
                        TempHTM = TempHTM & "<tr>" & chr(10)
                    end if
                end if
            TempHTM = TempHTM & "</table>" & chr(10)
            relateshow = TempHTM
        end if
    end function
end class

class ncmspagetag
    public show
    public function pageshow(stype,classid,newsid)
        dim TempHTM,rs,databox
            TempHTM = "" & chr(10) & "<div id=""page"">"
        select case stype
            case "last"
                set rs = conn.execute("select top 1 id,classid,title,filename from NCMS_news where classid=" & classid & " and id > " & newsid & "")
                if rs.eof or rs.bof then
                    rs.close:set rs = nothing
                    TempHTM = TempHTM & "上一篇:<font color=""red"">没有上一篇</font>"
                    TempHTM = TempHTM & "</div>" & chr(10)
                    pageshow = TempHTM
                    exit function
                    databox = rs.getrows()
                    rs.close:set rs = nothing
                    TempHTM = TempHTM & "上一篇:<a href=""" & site_root & "/" & site_html & "/" & getclasspath(databox(1,0)) & "/" & databox(3,0) & site_extname & """>" & databox(2,0) & "</a>"
                    TempHTM = TempHTM & "</div>" & chr(10)
                    databox = ""
                    pageshow = TempHTM
                end if
            case "next"
                set rs = conn.execute("select top 1 id,classid,title,filename from NCMS_news where classid=" & classid & " and id < " & newsid & " order by id desc")
                if rs.eof or rs.bof then
                    rs.close:set rs = nothing
                    TempHTM = TempHTM & "下一篇:<font color=""red"">没有下一篇</font>"
                    TempHTM = TempHTM & "</div>" & chr(10)
                    pageshow = TempHTM
                    exit function
                    databox = rs.getrows()
                    rs.close:set rs = nothing
                    TempHTM = TempHTM & "下一篇:<a href=""" & site_root & "/" & site_html & "/" & getclasspath(databox(1,0)) & "/" & databox(3,0) & site_extname & """>" & databox(2,0) & "</a>"
                    TempHTM = TempHTM & "</div>" & chr(10)
                    databox = ""
                    pageshow = TempHTM
                end if
            case else
        end select
    end function
end class

class X_ncmsnewstag
    public id,ty,show,len,num,lih,hit
    public function newsshow(stype,scolumn,strHtml)
        dim TempHTM,xsql,rs,databox,i
            TempHTM = "" & chr(10) & "<table cellpadding=""0"" cellspacing=""0"" width=""100%"" border=""0"">" & chr(10)
            TempHTM = TempHTM & "<tr>" & chr(10)
        select case stype
            case "text"
                if show = "new" then
                    if id = 0 then
                        set rs = conn.execute("select top " & num & " id,classid,title,content,click,isimg,bimg,simg,filename,addtime from NCMS_news where created=1 and pagetype=0 order by id desc")
                        set rs = conn.execute("select top " & num & " id,classid,title,content,click,isimg,bimg,simg,filename,addtime from NCMS_news where classid in(" & id & allchildclass(id) & ") and created=1 and pagetype=0 order by id desc")
                    end if
                elseif show = "elite" then
                    if id = 0 then
                        set rs = conn.execute("select top " & num & " id,classid,title,content,click,isimg,bimg,simg,filename,addtime from NCMS_news where elite=1 and created=1 and pagetype=0 order by id desc")
                        set rs = conn.execute("select top " & num & " id,classid,title,content,click,isimg,bimg,simg,filename,addtime from NCMS_news where classid in(" & id & allchildclass(id) & ") and elite=1 and created=1 and pagetype=0 order by id desc")
                    end if
                elseif show = "hot" then
                    if id = 0 then
                        set rs = conn.execute("select top " & num & " id,classid,title,content,click,isimg,bimg,simg,filename,addtime from NCMS_news where click>=" & hit & " and created=1 and pagetype=0 order by click desc")
                        set rs = conn.execute("select top " & num & " id,classid,title,content,click,isimg,bimg,simg,filename,addtime from NCMS_news where classid in(" & id & allchildclass(id) & ") and click>=" & hit & " and created=1 and pagetype=0 order by click desc")
                    end if
                end if
            case "image"
                if show = "new" then
                    if id = 0 then
                        set rs = conn.execute("select top " & num & " id,classid,title,content,click,isimg,bimg,simg,filename,addtime from NCMS_news where isimg=1 and created=1 and pagetype=0 order by id desc")
                        set rs = conn.execute("select top " & num & " id,classid,title,content,click,isimg,bimg,simg,filename,addtime from NCMS_news where classid in(" & id & allchildclass(id) & ") and isimg=1 and created=1 and pagetype=0 order by id desc")
                    end if
                elseif show = "elite" then
                    if id = 0 then
                        set rs = conn.execute("select top " & num & " id,classid,title,content,click,isimg,bimg,simg,filename,addtime from NCMS_news where isimg=1 and elite=1 and created=1 and pagetype=0 order by id desc")
                        set rs = conn.execute("select top " & num & " id,classid,title,content,click,isimg,bimg,simg,filename,addtime from NCMS_news where classid in(" & id & allchildclass(id) & ") and isimg=1 and elite=1 and created=1 and pagetype=0 order by id desc")
                    end if
                elseif show = "hot" then
                    if id = 0 then
                        set rs = conn.execute("select top " & num & " id,classid,title,content,click,isimg,bimg,simg,filename,addtime from NCMS_news where isimg=1 and click>=" & hit & " and created=1 and pagetype=0 order by click desc")
                        set rs = conn.execute("select top " & num & " id,classid,title,content,click,isimg,bimg,simg,filename,addtime from NCMS_news where classid in(" & id & allchildclass(id) & ") and isimg=1 and click>=" & hit & " and created=1 and pagetype=0 order by click desc")
                    end if
                end if
            case else
        end select
        if rs.eof then
            rs.close:set rs = nothing
            TempHTM = "<li><font color=""red"">暂时没有新闻!</font></li>"
            newsshow = TempHTM
            exit function
            databox = rs.getrows()
            rs.close:set rs = nothing
            for i = 0 to ubound(databox,2)
                TempHTM = TempHTM & "<td height=""" & lih & """ align=""left"" valign=""middle"">" & strHtml & "</td>" & chr(10)
                if i = ubound(databox,2) then
                    TempHTM = TempHTM & "</tr>" & chr(10)
                    if cint((i+1) mod scolumn) = 0 then
                        TempHTM = TempHTM & "</tr>" & chr(10)
                        TempHTM = TempHTM & "<tr>" & chr(10)
                    end if
                end if
                dim charclass,PatrnStr
                set charclass = new stringclass
                PatrnStr = "\{\$classname\$\}"
                TempHTM = charclass.replacestr(PatrnStr,TempHTM,"<a href=""" & site_root & "/" & site_html & "/" & getclasspath(databox(1,i)) & "/index" & site_extname & """ target=""_blank"">" & getclassname(databox(1,i)) & "</a>")
                PatrnStr = "\{\$title\$\}"
                TempHTM = charclass.replacestr(PatrnStr,TempHTM,gottopic(LoseHtml(databox(2,i)),len))
                PatrnStr = "\{\$content\$\}"
                TempHTM = charclass.replacestr(PatrnStr,TempHTM,gottopic(LoseHtml(databox(3,i)),len))
                PatrnStr = "\{\$click\$\}"
                TempHTM = charclass.replacestr(PatrnStr,TempHTM,databox(4,i))
                PatrnStr = "\{\$filepath\$\}"
                TempHTM = charclass.replacestr(PatrnStr,TempHTM,"" & site_root & "/" & site_html & "/" & getclasspath(databox(1,i)) & "/" & databox(8,i) & site_extname & "")
                PatrnStr = "\{\$addtime\$\}"
                TempHTM = charclass.replacestr(PatrnStr,TempHTM,formattagdate(databox(9,i),datestyle))
                PatrnStr = "\{\$imgpath\$\}"
                if IsObjInstalled("persits.jpeg") = true and jpeg_gate = 0 then
                    TempHTM = charclass.replacestr(PatrnStr,TempHTM,"" & site_root & "/" & site_upload & "/" & site_simg & "/" & databox(7,i) & "")
                    TempHTM = charclass.replacestr(PatrnStr,TempHTM,"" & site_root & "/" & site_upload & "/" & site_bimg & "/" & databox(6,i) & "")
                end if
                PatrnStr = "\{\$comment\$\}"
                TempHTM = charclass.replacestr(PatrnStr,TempHTM,"[<a href=""" & site_root & "/tools/comment.asp?newsid=" & databox(0,i) & "&newstitle=" & getnewstitle(databox(0,i)) & "#comment"" target=""_blank"" title=""评论""><font color=""red"" size=""2"">评论</font></a>]")
            databox = ""
            TempHTM = TempHTM & "</table>" & chr(10)
            newsshow = TempHTM
        end if
    end function
end class

function guide(id)
    dim TempHTM
    if id = "" or len(id) = 0 or not isnumeric(id) then
        TempHTM = "当前位置 : <a href=""" & site_root & "/index" & site_extname & """>首页</a> >>"
        dim rs
        set rs = conn.execute("select top 1 id,parent,cname,ename from NCMS_class where id=" & id)
        if not rs.eof then
            TempHTM = TempHTM & guide(rs("parent"))
            TempHTM = TempHTM & "<a href=""" & site_root & "/" & site_html & "/" & rs("ename") & "/index" & site_extname & """>" & rs("cname") & "</a> >> "
        end if
        rs.close:set rs = nothing
        if id = 0 then
            TempHTM = TempHTM & "当前位置 : <a href=""" & site_root & "/index" & site_extname & """>首页</a> >> "
        end if
    end if
    guide = TempHTM
end function

function createindex()
    dim Temp:Temp = ""
        Temp = processcustomtag(loadtempletfile("../templet/" & site_dtemp & ""))
        Temp = X_processcustomtag(Temp)
    dim charclass
    set charclass = new stringclass
    dim PatrnStr
        PatrnStr = "<title>.*?</title>"
        Temp = charclass.replacestr(PatrnStr,Temp,"<title>" & site_name & "</title>")
        PatrnStr = "\{\$guide\$\}"
        Temp = charclass.replacestr(PatrnStr,Temp,guide(""))
        PatrnStr = "\{\$keywords\$\}"
        Temp = charclass.replacestr(PatrnStr,Temp,site_keywords)
        PatrnStr = "\{\$search\$\}"
        Temp = charclass.replacestr(PatrnStr,Temp,search())
        PatrnStr = "\{\$description\$\}"
        Temp = charclass.replacestr(PatrnStr,Temp,site_description)
        PatrnStr = "\{\$copyright\$\}"
        Temp = charclass.replacestr(PatrnStr,Temp,site_copyright)
        PatrnStr = "\{\$root\$\}"
        Temp = charclass.replacestr(PatrnStr,Temp,site_root)
    dim sPATH:sPATH = "" & site_root & "/index" & site_extname & ""
    dim objstream
    set objstream = server.createobject("adodb.stream")
    with objstream
        .charset = "" & chrset & ""
        .position = objstream.size
        .writetext = Temp
        .savetofile server.mappath(sPATH),2
    end with
    set objstream = nothing
    if err.number <> 0 then
        createindex = false
        createindex = true
    end if
end function

function createnewsclass(id)
    dim arrcont:arrcont = getcurclasscount(id)
    dim i,j
    for i = 0 to arrcont - 1
        dim Temp:Temp = ""
            Temp = processcustomtag(loadtempletfile("../templet/" & getclassall(id,1) & ""))
            Temp = X_processcustomtag(Temp)
        dim charclass
        set charclass = new stringclass
        dim PatrnStr
            PatrnStr = "<title>.*?</title>"
            Temp = charclass.replacestr(PatrnStr,Temp,"<title>" & charclass.getstr(getclassname(id)) & " - " & site_name & "</title>")
            PatrnStr = "\{\$guide\$\}"
            Temp = charclass.replacestr(PatrnStr,Temp,guide(id))
            PatrnStr = "\{\$keywords\$\}"
            Temp = charclass.replacestr(PatrnStr,Temp,site_keywords)
            PatrnStr = "\{\$search\$\}"
            Temp = charclass.replacestr(PatrnStr,Temp,search())
            PatrnStr = "\{\$description\$\}"
            Temp = charclass.replacestr(PatrnStr,Temp,site_description)
            PatrnStr = "\{\$copyright\$\}"
            Temp = charclass.replacestr(PatrnStr,Temp,site_copyright)
            PatrnStr = "\{\$root\$\}"
            Temp = charclass.replacestr(PatrnStr,Temp,site_root)
        dim sPATH,cPATH:cPATH = "" & site_root & "/" & site_html & "/" & getclasspath(id) & "/"
        dim PageHTM:PageHTM = ""
        if i = 0 then
            sPATH = "" & cPATH & "index" & site_extname & ""
            sPATH = "" & cPATH & "index" & site_extname & ""
            sPATH = left(sPATH,(len(sPATH)-len(site_extname))) & "_" & i + 1 & site_extname
        end if
        if arrcont >= 2 then
            if i = 0 then
                PageHTM = PageHTM & "【首页】-"
                PageHTM = PageHTM & "【上页】"
            end if
            if i > 1 then
                PageHTM = PageHTM & "【<a href=""index" & site_extname & """>首页</a>】-"
                PageHTM = PageHTM & "【<a href=""index" & "_" & i & site_extname & """>上页</a>】"
            end if
            if i = 1 Then
                PageHTM = PageHTM & "【<a href=""index" & site_extname & """>首页</a>】-"
                PageHTM = PageHTM & "【<a href=""index" & site_extname & """>上页</a>】"
            end if
            PageHTM = PageHTM & "-【第<font color=""red"">" & i + 1 & "</font>页】/【共<font color=""red"">" & arrcont & "</font>页】-"
            if i < arrcont - 1 then
                PageHTM = PageHTM & "【<a href=""index" & "_" & i + 2 & site_extname & """>下页</a>】-"
                PageHTM = PageHTM & "【<a href=""index" & "_" & arrcont & site_extname & """>尾页</a>】- "
            end if
            if i = arrcont - 1 then
                PageHTM = PageHTM & "【下页】-"
                PageHTM = PageHTM & "【尾页】- "
            end if
            PageHTM = PageHTM & "<select name=""page"" onchange=""self.location.href=this.options[this.selectedIndex].value"">"
            PageHTM = PageHTM & "<option selected>页/码</option>"
            PageHTM = PageHTM & "<option value=""index" & site_extname & """>第1页</option>"
            for j = 1 to arrcont - 1
                PageHTM = PageHTM & "<option value=""index" & "_" & j + 1 & site_extname & """>第" & j + 1 & "页</option>"
            PageHTM = PageHTM & "</select>"
        end if
            PatrnStr = "{news:[^<>]+?\/}"
            Temp = charclass.classcustomtag(PatrnStr,Temp,id,i + 1,"<p align=""center"">" & PageHTM & "</p>" & chr(10) & "")
        dim objstream
        set objstream = server.createobject("adodb.stream")
        with objstream
            .charset = "" & chrset & ""
            .position = objstream.size
            .writetext = Temp
            .savetofile server.mappath(sPATH),2
        end with
    set objstream = nothing
    if err.number <> 0 then
        createnewsclass = false
        createnewsclass = true
    end if
end function

function createnewsfile(id)
    dim rs,sql
    set rs = server.createobject("adodb.recordset")
    sql = "select id,classid,title,content,author,source,keywords,bimg,simg,filename,pagetype,addtime from NCMS_news where id=" & id
    rs.open sql,conn,1,1
    dim databox:databox = rs.getrows()
    rs.close:set rs = nothing
    dim Temp:Temp = ""
    if databox(10,0) = 0 then
        Temp = processcustomtag(loadtempletfile("../templet/" & getclassall(databox(1,0),2) & ""))
        Temp = X_processcustomtag(Temp)
        Temp = processcustomtag(loadtempletfile("../templet/" & site_stemp & ""))
        Temp = X_processcustomtag(Temp)
    end if
    dim charclass
    set charclass = new stringclass
    dim PatrnStr,AdvCont
        PatrnStr = "<title>.*?</title>"
        Temp = charclass.replacestr(PatrnStr,Temp,"<title>" & charclass.getstr(databox(2,0)) & " - " & site_name & "</title>")
        PatrnStr = "{news:[^<>]+?\/}"
        Temp = charclass.newscustomtag(PatrnStr,Temp,databox(1,0),databox(0,0),databox(6,0))
        PatrnStr = "\{\$id\$\}"
        Temp = charclass.replacestr(PatrnStr,Temp,databox(0,0))
        PatrnStr = "\{\$classid\$\}"
        Temp = charclass.replacestr(PatrnStr,Temp,databox(1,0))
        PatrnStr = "\{\$title\$\}"
        Temp = charclass.replacestr(PatrnStr,Temp,databox(2,0))
        PatrnStr = "\{\$author\$\}"
        Temp = charclass.replacestr(PatrnStr,Temp,databox(4,0))
        PatrnStr = "\{\$source\$\}"
        Temp = charclass.replacestr(PatrnStr,Temp,databox(5,0))
        PatrnStr = "\{\$keywords\$\}"
        Temp = charclass.replacestr(PatrnStr,Temp,databox(6,0))
        PatrnStr = "\{\$click\$\}"
        Temp = charclass.replacestr(PatrnStr,Temp,click(databox(0,0)))
        PatrnStr = "\{\$addtime\$\}"
        Temp = charclass.replacestr(PatrnStr,Temp,databox(11,0))
        PatrnStr = "\{\$guide\$\}"
        Temp = charclass.replacestr(PatrnStr,Temp,guide(databox(1,0)))
        PatrnStr = "\{\$search\$\}"
        Temp = charclass.replacestr(PatrnStr,Temp,search())
        PatrnStr = "\{\$fontselect\$\}"
        Temp = charclass.replacestr(PatrnStr,Temp,fontselect())
        PatrnStr = "\{\$toolbar\$\}"
        Temp = charclass.replacestr(PatrnStr,Temp,toolbar(databox(0,0)))
        PatrnStr = "\{\$copyurl\$\}"
        Temp = charclass.replacestr(PatrnStr,Temp,copyurl())
        PatrnStr = "\{\$description\$\}"
        Temp = charclass.replacestr(PatrnStr,Temp,site_description)
        PatrnStr = "\{\$copyright\$\}"
        Temp = charclass.replacestr(PatrnStr,Temp,site_copyright)
        PatrnStr = "\{\$root\$\}"
        Temp = charclass.replacestr(PatrnStr,Temp,site_root)
        PatrnStr = "\{\$advarea\$\}"
        AdvCont = databox(3,0)
        AdvCont = charclass.replacestr(PatrnStr,AdvCont,advshow(site_advcode))
    dim tempArr,n,sPATH,ePATH,cPATH:cPATH = "" & site_root & "/" & site_html & "/" & getclasspath(databox(1,0)) & "/"
    if instr(databox(9,0),"/") = 0 then
        tempArr = split(databox(9,0),"/")
        for n = 0 to ubound(tempArr)
            ePATH = replace(databox(9,0),tempArr(n),"")
        createdir(server.mappath(cPATH & ePATH))
    end if
    dim TTemp:TTemp = Temp
    dim arrcont:arrcont = split(AdvCont,"{$split$}",-1,1)
    dim PageHTM:PageHTM = ""
    dim i,j,k:k = ubound(arrcont)
    for i = 0 to k
        if i = 0 then
            sPATH = "" & cPATH & databox(9,0) & site_extname & ""
            sPATH = "" & cPATH & databox(9,0) & site_extname & ""
            sPATH = left(sPATH,(len(sPATH)-len(site_extname))) & "_" & i + 1 & site_extname
        end if
        if sPATH = "" then
            createnewsfile = false
            exit function
        end if
        if k >= 1 then
            PageHTM = "<p align=""center"">【本新闻共<font color=""red"">" & k + 1 & "</font>页】-"
            if i = 0 then
                PageHTM = PageHTM & "【首页】-"
                PageHTM = PageHTM & "【上页】-"
            end if
            if i > 1 then
                PageHTM = PageHTM & "【<a href=""" & cPATH & databox(9,0) & site_extname & """>首页</a>】-"
                PageHTM = PageHTM & "【<a href=""" & cPATH & databox(9,0) & "_" & i & site_extname & """>上页</a>】-"
            end if
            if i = 1 Then
                PageHTM = PageHTM & "【<a href=""" & cPATH & databox(9,0) & site_extname & """>首页</a>】-"
                PageHTM = PageHTM & "【<a href=""" & cPATH & databox(9,0) & site_extname & """>上页</a>】-"
            end if
            if i < k then
                PageHTM = PageHTM & "【<a href=""" & cPATH & databox(9,0) & "_" & i + 2 & site_extname & """>下页</a>】-"
                PageHTM = PageHTM & "【<a href=""" & cPATH & databox(9,0) & "_" & k + 1 & site_extname & """>尾页</a>】-"
            end if
            if i = k then
                PageHTM = PageHTM & "【下页】-"
                PageHTM = PageHTM & "【尾页】-"
            end if
            PageHTM = PageHTM & "【当前在第<font color=""red"">" & i + 1 & "</font>页】</p>"
            PageHTM = ""
        end if
        PatrnStr = "\{\$content\$\}"
        Temp = charclass.replacestr(PatrnStr,TTemp,"" & chr(10) & "<div id=""content"">" & chr(10) & arrcont(i) & PageHTM & chr(10) & "</div>" & chr(10))
        dim objstream
        set objstream = server.createobject("adodb.stream")
        with objstream
            .charset = "" & chrset & ""
            .position = objstream.size
            .writetext = X_processcustomtag(Temp)
            .savetofile server.mappath(sPATH),2
        end with
        set objstream = nothing
    if err.number <> 0 then
        createnewsfile = false
        conn.execute("update NCMS_news set created=1 where id=" & databox(0,0))
        createnewsfile = true
        databox = ""
    end if
end function

function createnewsjs(show,id,len,num,lih,col,filename)
    dim TempHTM,xsql,rs,databox,i
        TempHTM = "document.writeln('<table cellpadding=\""0\"" cellspacing=\""0\"" width=\""100%\"" border=\""0\"">');"
        TempHTM = TempHTM & "document.writeln('<tr>');"
    select case show
        case "new"
            if id = 0 then
                set rs = conn.execute("select top " & num & " classid,title,filename from NCMS_news where created=1 and pagetype=0 order by id desc")
                set rs = conn.execute("select top " & num & " classid,title,filename from NCMS_news where classid in(" & id & allchildclass(id) & ") and created=1 and pagetype=0 order by id desc")
            end if
        case "elite"
            if id = 0 then
                set rs = conn.execute("select top " & num & " classid,title,filename from NCMS_news where elite=1 and created=1 and pagetype=0 order by id desc")
                set rs = conn.execute("select top " & num & " classid,title,filename from NCMS_news where classid in(" & id & allchildclass(id) & ") and elite=1 and created=1 and pagetype=0 order by id desc")
            end if
        case "hot"
            if id = 0 then
                set rs = conn.execute("select top " & num & " classid,title,filename from NCMS_news where click>=100 and created=1 and pagetype=0 order by click desc")
                set rs = conn.execute("select top " & num & " classid,title,filename from NCMS_news where classid in(" & id & allchildclass(id) & ") and click>=100 and created=1 and pagetype=0 order by click desc")
            end if
        case else
    end select
    if rs.eof then
        rs.close:set rs = nothing
        TempHTM = "document.writeln('<li><font color=\""red\"">暂时没有新闻!<\/font><\/li>');"
        databox = rs.getrows()
        rs.close:set rs = nothing
        for i = 0 to ubound(databox,2)
            TempHTM = TempHTM & "document.writeln('<td height=\""" & lih & "\"" align=\""left\"" valign=\""middle\"">·<a href=\""" & site_root & "/" & site_html & "/" & getclasspath(databox(0,i)) & "/" & databox(2,i) & site_extname & "\"" title=\""" & databox(1,i) & "\"" target=\""_blank\"">" & gottopic(databox(1,i),len) & "<\/a><\/td>');"
            if i = ubound(databox,2) then
                TempHTM = TempHTM & "document.writeln('<\/tr>');"
                if cint((i+1) mod col) = 0 then
                    TempHTM = TempHTM & "document.writeln('<\/tr>');"
                    TempHTM = TempHTM & "document.writeln('<tr>');"
                end if
            end if
        databox = ""
        TempHTM = TempHTM & "document.writeln('<\/table>');"
    end if
    if checkfolder("" & site_root & "/jss/") = false then
        createdir(server.mappath("" & site_root & "/jss/"))
    end if
    if checkfile("" & site_root & "/jss/" & filename & ".js") = true then
        call alertbox("文件已存在!请更换文件名!",2)
    end if
    dim objstream
    set objstream = server.createobject("adodb.stream")
    with objstream
        .charset = "" & chrset & ""
        .position = objstream.size
        .writetext = TempHTM
        .savetofile server.mappath("" & site_root & "/jss/" & filename & ".js"),2
    end with
    set objstream = nothing
    if err.number <> 0 then
        createnewsjs = false
        createnewsjs = true
    end if
end function

function getnewstitle(id)
    dim rs,tempstr
    set rs = conn.execute("select title from NCMS_news where id=" & id)
    if not rs.eof then
        tempstr = server.urlencode(rs("title"))
    end if
    rs.close:set rs = nothing
    getnewstitle = tempstr
end function

function getclasspath(id)
    dim rs,tempstr
    set rs = conn.execute("select ename from NCMS_class where id=" & id)
    if not rs.eof then
        tempstr = rs("ename")
    end if
    rs.close:set rs = nothing
    getclasspath = tempstr
end function

function getclassid(id)
    dim rs,tempstr
    set rs = conn.execute("select classid from NCMS_news where id=" & id)
    if not rs.eof then
        tempstr = rs("classid")
    end if
    rs.close:set rs = nothing
    getclassid = tempstr
end function

function getclassname(id)
    dim rs,tempstr
    set rs = conn.execute("select cname from NCMS_class where id= " & id)
    if not rs.eof then
        tempstr = rs("cname")
    end if
    rs.close:set rs = nothing
    getclassname = tempstr
end function

function allchildclass(id)
    dim rs
    set rs = conn.execute("select id from NCMS_class where parent=" & id)
    while not rs.eof
        allchildclass = allchildclass & "," & rs("id")
        allchildclass = allchildclass & allchildclass(rs("id"))
    rs.close:set rs = nothing
end function

function getclassall(id,stype)
    dim rs,tempstr
    select case stype
        case "1"
            set rs = conn.execute("select ctemp from NCMS_class where id=" & id)
            if not rs.eof then
                tempstr = rs("ctemp")
            end if
            rs.close:set rs = nothing
            getclassall = tempstr
        case "2"
            set rs = conn.execute("select ntemp from NCMS_class where id=" & id)
            if not rs.eof then
                tempstr = rs("ntemp")
            end if
            rs.close:set rs = nothing
            getclassall = tempstr
        case "3"
            set rs = conn.execute("select fname from NCMS_class where id=" & id)
            if not rs.eof then
                tempstr = rs("fname")
            end if
            rs.close:set rs = nothing
            getclassall = tempstr
        case else
    end select
end function

function advshow(advcode)
    if advcode = "" then
        advshow = ""
        exit function
        dim advarr
            advarr = split(advcode,"|||")
        if ubound(advarr) = 0 then
            advshow = "" & chr(10) & "<table style=""padding:0px;width:250px;height:250px"" cellspacing=""0"" cellpadding=""0"" align=""left"" border=""0"">" & chr(10)
            advshow = advshow & "<tr>" & chr(10)
            advshow = advshow & "<td>" & advcode & "</td>" & chr(10)
            advshow = advshow & "</tr>" & chr(10)
            advshow = advshow & "</table>" & chr(10)
            dim n:randomize
                n = int((ubound(advarr) + 1) * rnd)
            advshow = "" & chr(10) & "<table style=""padding:0px;width:250px;height:250px"" cellspacing=""0"" cellpadding=""0"" align=""left"" border=""0"">" & chr(10)
            advshow = advshow & "<tr>" & chr(10)
            advshow = advshow & "<td>" & advarr(n) & "</td>" & chr(10)
            advshow = advshow & "</tr>" & chr(10)
            advshow = advshow & "</table>" & chr(10)
        end if
    end if
end function

function click(id)
    click = "<script language=""javascript"" type=""text/javascript"" src=""" & site_root & "/tools/click.asp?id=" & id & """></script>"
end function

function fontselect()
    fontselect = "" & chr(10) & "<div id=""fontselect"">" & chr(10)
    fontselect = fontselect & "<ul>" & chr(10)
    fontselect = fontselect & "<li id=""explain"">字体大小</li>" & chr(10)
    fontselect = fontselect & "<li><a href=""javascript:doZoom(12)"">小</a></li>" & chr(10)
    fontselect = fontselect & "<li><a href=""javascript:doZoom(14)"">中</a></li>" & chr(10)
    fontselect = fontselect & "<li><a href=""javascript:doZoom(16)"">大</a></li>" & chr(10)
    fontselect = fontselect & "</ul>" & chr(10)
    fontselect = fontselect & "</div>" & chr(10)
end function

function toolbar(id)
    toolbar = "" & chr(10) & "<div id=""toolbar"">" & chr(10)
    toolbar = toolbar & "<ul>" & chr(10)
    toolbar = toolbar & "<li id=""explain"">浏览工具</li>" & chr(10)
    toolbar = toolbar & "<li><a href=""" & site_root & "/tools/comment.asp?newsid=" & id & "&newstitle=" & getnewstitle(id) & "#comment"" target=""_blank"" title=""新闻评论"">新闻评论</a><li>" & chr(10)
    toolbar = toolbar & "<li><a href=""javascript:window.print()"" title=""打印本文"">打印本文</a><li>" & chr(10)
    toolbar = toolbar & "<li><a href=""javascript:window.close()"" title=""关闭本页"">关闭本页</a><li>" & chr(10)
    toolbar = toolbar & "<li><a href=""javascript:scroll(0,0)"" title=""返回页首"">返回页首</a><li>" & chr(10)
    toolbar = toolbar & "</ul>" & chr(10)
    toolbar = toolbar & "</div>" & chr(10)
end function

function copyurl()
    copyurl = "" & chr(10) & "<div id=""copyurl"">" & chr(10)
    copyurl = copyurl & "<script language=""javascript"" type=""text/javascript"">document.write('<input name=""url"" type=""text"" value=""' + window.location.href + '"" readonly=""true"" /><input name=""btn"" type=""button"" value=""复制本页地址与好友分享"" onclick=""copyurl();"" />');</script>" & chr(10)
    copyurl = copyurl & "</div>" & chr(10)
end function

function search()
    search = "" & chr(10) & "<div id=""search"">" & chr(10)
    search = search & "<form name=""form"" action=""" & site_root & "/tools/search.asp"" method=""get"">" & chr(10)
    search = search & "<input name=""kw"" type=""text"" value="""" />" & chr(10)
    search = search & "<select name=""tn"">" & chr(10)
    search = search & "<option value=""1"">标题</option>" & chr(10)
    search = search & "<option value=""2"">作者</option>" & chr(10)
    search = search & "<option value=""3"">内容</option>" & chr(10)
    search = search & "</select>" & chr(10)
    search = search & "<input name=""do"" type=""hidden"" value=""ok"" />" & chr(10)
    search = search & "<input name=""search"" type=""submit"" value=""搜索"" />" & chr(10)
    search = search & "</form>" & chr(10)
    search = search & "</div>" & chr(10)
end function

function rannumkey(digits)
    dim chararray(10)
        chararray(0) = "0"
        chararray(1) = "1"
        chararray(2) = "2"
        chararray(3) = "3"
        chararray(4) = "4"
        chararray(5) = "5"
        chararray(6) = "6"
        chararray(7) = "7"
        chararray(8) = "8"
        chararray(9) = "9"
    do while len(output) < digits
        dim num:num = cstr(chararray(int((10-0+1) * rnd + 0)))
        dim output:output = output + num
    rannumkey = output
end function

function makefntype(datestr,types,classid)
    select case types
        case "1"
            makefntype = year(datestr) & "/" & month(datestr) & "-" & day(datestr) & "/" & getclassall(classid,3) & rannumkey(8) '年/月-日/随机数
        case "2"
            makefntype = year(datestr) & "/" & month(datestr) & "/" & day(datestr) & "/" & getclassall(classid,3) & rannumkey(8) '年/月/日/随机数
        case "3"
            makefntype = year(datestr) & "-" & month(datestr) & "-" & day(datestr) & "/" & getclassall(classid,3) & rannumkey(8) '年-月-日/随机数
        case "4"
            makefntype = year(datestr) & "-" & month(datestr) & "/" & day(datestr) & "/" & getclassall(classid,3) & rannumkey(8) '年-月/日/随机数
        case "5"
            makefntype = year(datestr) & "/" & month(datestr) & "/" & getclassall(classid,3) & rannumkey(8) '年/月/随机数
        case "6"
            makefntype = year(datestr) & "-" & month(datestr) & "/" & getclassall(classid,3) & rannumkey(8) '年-月/随机数
        case "7"
            makefntype = year(datestr) & month(datestr) & day(datestr) & "/" & getclassall(classid,3) & rannumkey(8) '年月日/随机数
        case "8"
            makefntype = year(datestr) & "/" & getclassall(classid,3) & rannumkey(8) '年/随机数
        case "9"
            makefntype = year(datestr) & month(datestr) & day(datestr) & rannumkey(3) '年月日随机数
        case "10"
            makefntype = getclassall(classid,3) & rannumkey(16) '16位随机数
        case "11"
            makefntype = getclassall(classid,3) & md5(datestr & rannumkey(3),16) '16位md5加密字符
        case "12"
            makefntype = getclassall(classid,3) & year(datestr) & month(datestr) & day(datestr) & hour(datestr) & minute(datestr) & second(datestr) & rannumkey(3) '年月日时分秒随机数
        case else
            makefntype = getclassall(classid,3) & year(datestr) & month(datestr) & day(datestr) & hour(datestr) & minute(datestr) & second(datestr) & rannumkey(3) '年月日时分秒随机数
    end select
end function

function dateformat(datestr,types)
    dim datestring
    if isdate(datestr) = false then
        datestring = ""
    end if
    select case types
        case "1" 
            datestring = year(datestr) & "-" & month(datestr) & "-" & day(datestr)
        case "2"
            datestring = year(datestr) & "." & month(datestr) & "." & day(datestr)
        case "3"
            datestring = month(datestr) & "-" & day(datestr) & "-" & year(datestr)
        case "4"
            datestring = month(datestr) & "." & day(datestr) & "." & year(datestr)
        case "5"
            datestring = year(datestr) & month(datestr) & day(datestr)
        case "6"
            datestring = hour(datestr) & minute(datestr) & second(datestr)
        case "7"
            datestring = year(datestr) & "年" & month(datestr) & "月" & day(datestr) & "日"
        case else
            datestring = datestr
    end select
    dateformat = datestring
end function

function formattagdate(mdate,temp)
    if not isdate(mdate) or temp = "" then
        formattagdate = temp
        exit function
    end if
    dim myear:myear = year(mdate)
    dim mmonth:mmonth = month(mdate)
    dim mday:mday = day(mdate)
    dim mhour:mhour = hour(mdate)
    dim mmin:mmin = minute(mdate)
    dim msec:msec = second(mdate)
    temp = replace(temp,"{Y}",year(mdate))
    temp = replace(temp,"{y}",right(year(mdate),2))
    temp = replace(temp,"{M}",month(mdate))
    temp = replace(temp,"{m}",right("00" & month(mdate),2))
    temp = replace(temp,"{D}",day(mdate))
    temp = replace(temp,"{d}",right("00" & day(mdate),2))
    formattagdate = temp
end function

function strlength(str)
    on error resume next
    dim winnt_chinese
        winnt_chinese = (len("中国") = 2)
    if winnt_chinese then
        dim l, t, c
        dim i
        l = len(str)
        t = l
        for i = 1 to l
            c = asc(mid(str,i,1))
            if c < 0 then c = c + 65536
            if c > 255 then
                t = t + 1
            end if
        strlength = t
        strlength = len(str)
    end if
    if err.number <> 0 then err.clear
end function

function gottopic(byval str,byval strlen)
    if str = "" or str = null then
        gottopic = ""
        exit function
    end if
    dim l,t,c,i,tstr
    str = replace(replace(replace(replace(str," "," "),""",chr(34)),">",">"),"<","<")
    l = len(str)
    t = 0
    tstr = str
    strlen = clng(strlen)
    for i = 1 to l
        c = abs(asc(mid(str,i,1)))
        if c > 255 then
             t = t + 2
            t = t + 1
        end if
        if t >= strlen then
            tstr = left(str,i)
            exit for
        end if
    if tstr <> str then
        tstr = tstr & "..."
    end if
    gottopic = replace(replace(replace(replace(tstr," "," "),chr(34),"""),">",">"),"<","<")
end function

function insertchr(num)
    dim str1:str1 = "├"
    dim str2:str2 = ""
    dim iii
    for iii = 2 to num
        str2 = str2 & "│ "
    insertchr = str2&str1
end function

class classlist
    private class_id
    private class_table
    private class_parentid
    private class_name

    public property let id(str)
        class_id = str
    end property

    public property let table(str)
        class_table = str
    end property

    public property let parentid(str)
        class_parentid = str
    end property

    public property let name(str)
        class_name = str
    end property

    dim list()
    dim i,n
    private sub class_initialize()
        i = 0:n = 0
    end sub

    public function classarry(thisid,id)
        dim rsclass,classsql
        if id > 0 then
            classsql = "select * from " & class_table & " where " & class_parentid & "=" & thisid
            classsql = "select * from " & class_table & " where " & class_id & "=" & thisid
        end if
        set rsclass = conn.execute(classsql)
        n = n + 1
        do while not rsclass.eof
            list(0,i) = rsclass(class_id)
            list(1,i) = rsclass(class_name)
            list(2,i) = n
            i = i + 1
            thisid = classarry(rsclass(class_id),1)
        n = n - 1
    end function

    public function arrylist()
        dim rsclass
        set rsclass = conn.execute("select count(" & class_id & ") from " & class_table)
        dim lenght
            lenght = rsclass(0)
        redim list(2,lenght)
        dim rspclass
        set rspclass = conn.execute("select " & class_id & " from " & class_table & " where " & class_parentid & "=0")
        do while not rspclass.eof
            call classarry(rspclass(class_id),0)
        arrylist = list
    end function
end class

class imginfo
    dim aso
    private sub class_initialize
        set aso = createobject("adodb.stream")
        aso.mode = 3
        aso.type = 1
    end sub

    private sub class_terminate
        set aso = nothing
    end sub

    private function bin2str(bin)
        dim i,str,clow
        for i = 1 to lenb(bin)
            clow = midb(bin,i,1)
            if ascb(clow) < 128 then
                str = str & chr(ascb(clow))
                i = i + 1
                if i <= lenb(bin) then
                    str = str & chr(ascw(midb(bin,i,1)&clow))
                end if
            end if
        bin2str = str
    end function

    private function num2str(num,base,lens)
        dim ret
            ret = ""
            ret = (num mod base) & ret
            num = (num - num mod base)/base
        num2str = right(string(lens,"0") & num & ret,lens)
    end function

    private function str2num(str,base)
        dim ret
            ret = 0
        for i = 1 to len(str)
            ret = ret *base + cint(mid(str,i,1))
        str2num = ret
    end function

    private function binval(bin)
        dim ret
            ret = 0
        dim i
        for i = lenb(bin) to 1 step -1
            ret = ret*256 + ascb(midb(bin,i,1))
        binval = ret
    end function

    private function binval2(bin)
        dim ret
            ret = 0
        Dim i
        for i = 1 to lenb(bin)
            ret = ret*256 + ascb(midb(bin,i,1))
        binval2 = ret
    end function

    private function getimagesize(filespec)
        dim ret(3)
        dim bflag
            bflag = aso.read(3)
        select case hex(binval(bflag))
            case "4E5089":
                ret(0) = "PNG"
                ret(1) = binval2(aso.read(2))
                ret(2) = binval2(aso.read(2))
            case "464947": 
                ret(0) = "GIF"
                ret(1) = binval(aso.read(2))
                ret(2) = binval(aso.read(2))
            case "535746":
                bindata = aso.read(1)
                sconv = num2str(ascb(bindata),2,8)
                nbits = str2num(left(sconv,5),2)
                sconv = mid(sconv,6)
                    bindata = aso.read(1)
                    sconv = sconv & num2str(ascb(bindata),2,8)
                ret(0) = "SWF"
                ret(1) = int(abs(str2num(mid(sconv,1*nbits+1,nbits),2)-str2num(mid(sconv,0*nbits+1,nbits),2))/20)
                ret(2) = int(abs(str2num(mid(sconv,3*nbits+1,nbits),2)-str2num(mid(sconv,2*nbits+1,nbits),2))/20)
            case "FFD8FF":
                dim p1
                do:p1 = binval(aso.read(1)):loop while p1 = 255 and not aso.eos
                if p1 > 191 and p1 < 196 then exit do else aso.read(binval2(aso.read(2))-2) 
                do:p1 = binval(aso.read(1)):loop while p1 < 255 and not aso.eos
                loop while true
                ret(0) = "JPG"
                ret(2) = binval2(aso.read(2))
                ret(1) = binval2(aso.read(2))
            case else:
                if left(bin2str(bflag),2) = "BM" then
                    ret(0) = "BMP"
                    ret(1) = binval(aso.read(4))
                    ret(2) = binval(aso.read(4))
                    ret(0) = ""
                end if
            end select
            ret(3)="width=""" & ret(1) &""" height=""" & ret(2) &""""
            getimagesize = ret
    end function

    public function imgW(pic_path)
        dim imgfso
        set imgfso = server.createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
        if (imgfso.fileexists(pic_path)) then
            dim imgfs,ext
            set imgfs = imgfso.getfile(pic_path)
            ext = imgfso.getextensionname(pic_path)
            select case ext
                case "gif","bmp","jpg","png":
                    dim arr
                        arr = getimagesize(imgfs.path)
                    imgW = arr(1)
            end select
            set imgfs = nothing
            imgW = 0
        end if
        set imgfso = nothing
    end function

    public function imgH(pic_path)
        dim imgfso
        set imgfso = server.createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
        if (imgfso.fileexists(pic_path)) then
            dim imgfs,ext
            set imgfs = imgfso.getfile(pic_path)
            ext = imgfso.getextensionname(pic_path)
            select case ext
                case "gif","bmp","jpg","png":
                    dim arr
                        arr = getimagesize(imgfs.path)
                    imgH = arr(2)
            end select
            set imgfs = nothing
            imgH = 0
        end if
        set imgfso = nothing
    end function
end class

function gfv(str)
    gfv = request.form(str)
end function

function guv(str)
    guv = request.querystring(str)
end function

function alertbox(str,kindnum)
    select case kindnum
        case "1"
            response.write("<script>alert(""" & str & """);</script>")
        case "2"
            response.write("<script>alert(""" & str & """);window.history.back();</script>")
        case "3"
            response.write("<script>alert(""" & str & """);window.close();</script>")
    end select
end function

sub WRITE_LINE(str)
    response.write ltrim(str)
end sub

    response.expires = 0
    response.expiresabsolute = now() - 1
    response.addheader "pragma","no-cache"
    response.addheader "cache-control","private"
    response.cachecontrol = "no-cache"
end sub

    WRITE_LINE "<html><head><title></title>"
    WRITE_LINE "<meta http-equiv=""Content-Type"" content=""text/html; charset=gb2312"">"
    WRITE_LINE "<meta http-equiv=""Content-Language"" content=""gb2312"">"
    WRITE_LINE "<link href=""../images/ncms/css.css"" rel=""stylesheet"" type=""text/css""></head>"
    WRITE_LINE "<body leftmargin=""1"" topmargin=""10"" scroll=""auto"">"
end sub

    if isobject("conn") then
        conn.close:set conn = nothing
    elseif isobject("commentconn") then
        commentconn.close:set commentconn = nothing
    elseif isobject("collectconn") then
        collectconn.close:set collectconn = nothing
    end if
    WRITE_LINE "<table align=""center"" width=""100%"" cellpadding=""2"" cellspacing=""1"" border=""0"">"
    WRITE_LINE "<tr>"
    WRITE_LINE "<td align=""middle"" valign=""middle"">"
    WRITE_LINE "<table bgcolor=""#c0c0c0"" align=""center"" width=""98%"" cellpadding=""2"" cellspacing=""1"">"
    WRITE_LINE "<tr>"
    WRITE_LINE "<td bgcolor=""#f0f0f0"" height=""50""><div align=""center""><font face=""verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif"" size=""1""><b>©2006 - 2008 CopyRight NCMS All Rights Reserved.Version:" & Version & " <a href=""http://www.50z.cn/"" target=""_blank"">BBS</a></b></font></div></td>"
    WRITE_LINE "</tr>"
    WRITE_LINE "</table>"
    WRITE_LINE "</td>"
    WRITE_LINE "</tr>"
    WRITE_LINE "</table>"
    WRITE_LINE "</body></html>"
end sub

'楚河|汉界 来个小广告:如果您发现本程序BUG或不足之处或有好的改进方法,请联系我:QQ574634!万分感谢!

Function IsValidEmail(Str)
    IsValidEmail = False
    Dim RegEx,Match
    Set RegEx = New RegExp
        RegEx.Pattern = "^\w+((-\w+)|(\.\w+))*\@[A-Za-z0-9]+((\.|-)[A-Za-z0-9]+)*\.[A-Za-z0-9]+$"
        RegEx.IgnoreCase = True
    Set Match = RegEx.Execute(Str)
    If Match.Count Then IsValidEmail = True
End Function

Function ChkNum(Byval Num)
    Dim tNum:tNum = ""
    If Num = "" Or Not IsNumeric(Num) Then
    ElseIf len(Num) > 8 Then
        tNum = clng(left(Num,8))
    End If
    ChkNum = tNum
End Function

Function ChkStr(ByVal Str)
    Dim TempStr
        TempStr = Replace(Replace(Str,"'",""),Chr(39),"")
    Dim RegEx
    Set RegEx = New RegExp
        RegEx.IGnoreCase = True
        RegEx.Pattern = "<|>|(script)|on(mouseover|mouseon|mouseout|click|dblclick|blur|focus|change)|url|eval|\t"
    If RegEx.Test(LCase(TempStr)) Then
        TempStr = ""
    End If
    Set RegEx = Nothing
    ChkStr = TempStr
End Function

Function FuckJP(ByVal Str)
    If IsNull(Str) Or IsEmpty(Str) Then Exit Function
    Dim F,I
        F = Array("ゴ","ガ","ギ","グ","ゲ","ザ","ジ","ズ","ヅ","デ","ド","ポ","ベ","プ","ビ","パ","ヴ","ボ","ペ","ブ","ピ","バ","ヂ","ダ","ゾ","ゼ")
     FuckJP = Str
     For I = 0 To 25
         FuckJP = Replace(FuckJP,F(I),"")
End Function

Function ChkInput(Str)
    Dim RegEx
    Set RegEx = New RegExp
        RegEx.IgnoreCase = True
        RegEx.Pattern = "<|>|(script)|on(mouseover|mouseon|mouseout|click|dblclick|blur|focus|change)|url|eval|\t"
    If RegEx.Test(LCase(Str)) Then
        Response.Write("处理 URL 时服务器出错,请与系统管理员联系。")
    End If
    Set RegEx = Nothing
    ChkInput = Str
End Function

Function ChkPost()
    Dim From_Url:From_Url = CStr(Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER"))
    Dim Serv_Url:Serv_Url = CStr(Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME"))
    If Mid(From_Url,8,Len(Serv_Url)) <> Serv_Url Then
        Response.Write("处理 URL 时服务器出错,请与系统管理员联系。")
    End If
End Function

Function GetIP()
    Dim StrIP_List,StrIP,IP_Ary
        StrIP_List = Replace(Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"),"'","")
    If InStr(StrIP_List,",") <> 0 Then
        IP_Ary = Split(StrIP_List,",")
        StrIP = IP_Ary(0)
        StrIP = StrIP_List
    End If
    If StrIP = Empty Then StrIP = Replace(Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR"),"'","")
    GetIP = StrIP
End Function

Function Highlight(byVal strContent,byRef arrayWords)
    Dim intCounter,strTemp,intPos,intTagLength,intKeyWordLength,bUpDate
    If Len(arrayWords) < 1 Then Highlight = strContent:Exit Function
    For intPos = 1 To Len(strContent)
        bUpDate = False
        If Mid(strContent,intPos,1) = "<" Then
            On Error Resume Next
            intTagLength = (InStr(intPos,strContent,">",1) - intPos)
            If Err.Number <> 0 Then
                Highlight = strContent
            End If
            strTemp = strTemp & Mid(strContent,intPos,intTagLength)
            intPos = intPos + intTagLength
        End If
        If arrayWords <> "" Then
            intKeyWordLength = Len(arrayWords)
            If LCase(Mid(strContent,intPos,intKeyWordLength)) = LCase(arrayWords) Then
                strTemp = strTemp & "<strong style=""color:#ff0000;background:#fff000;"">" & Mid(strContent,intPos,intKeyWordLength) & "</strong>"
                intPos = intPos + intKeyWordLength - 1
                bUpDate = True
            End If
        End If
        If bUpDate = False Then
            strTemp = strTemp & Mid(strContent,intPos,1)
        End If
    Highlight = strTemp
End Function

Function SendToNcms(Str1,Str2,Str3,Str4)
    On Error Resume Next
    WRITE_LINE "<script>setTimeout(""document.form.submit()"",0);</script>"
    WRITE_LINE "<form name=""form"" action=""http://ncms.cn/users/receive.asp"" method=""post"">"
    WRITE_LINE "<input name=""k1"" type=""hidden"" value=""" & Str1 & """>"
    WRITE_LINE "<input name=""k2"" type=""hidden"" value=""" & Str2 & """>"
    WRITE_LINE "<input name=""k3"" type=""hidden"" value=""" & Str3 & """>"
    WRITE_LINE "<input name=""k4"" type=""hidden"" value=""" & Str4 & """>"
    WRITE_LINE "<input name=""kx"" type=""hidden"" value=""203674122566320014"">"
    WRITE_LINE "</form>"
End Function

Function IsObjInstalled(strClassString)
    On Error Resume Next
    IsObjInstalled = False
    Err = 0
    Dim xTestObj
    Set xTestObj = Server.CreateObject(strClassString)
    If 0 = Err Then IsObjInstalled = True
    Set xTestObj = Nothing
    Err = 0
End Function

Function GetVer(ClassStr)
    On Error Resume Next
    GetVer = ""
    Err = 0
    Dim xTestObj
    Set xTestObj = Server.CreateObject(ClassStr)
    If 0 = Err Then GetVer = xTestObj.Version
    Set xTestObj = Nothing
    Err = 0
End Function

Function ReplaceRemoteUrl(sHTML,sSavePath,sExt)
    Dim s_Content:s_Content = sHTML
    If IsObjInstalled("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") = False Then
        ReplaceRemoteUrl = s_Content
        Exit Function
    End If
    If sSavePath = "" Then sSavePath = "" & site_root & "/" & site_upload & "/" & site_bimg & "/"
    If sExt = "" Then sExt = "jpg|gif|png|bmp|swf"
    Dim RegEx,RemoteFile,RemoteFileurl,SaveFileName,OutPutPath,SaveFileType,RanNum,NewFileName
    Set RegEx = New RegExp
    RegEx.IgnoreCase = True
    RegEx.Global = True
    RegEx.Pattern = "(http://(.+?)\.(" & sExt & "))"
    Set RemoteFile = RegEx.Execute(s_Content)
    For Each RemoteFileurl In RemoteFile
        SaveFileType = Mid(RemoteFileurl,InstrRev(RemoteFileurl,".") + 1)
        RanNum = Int(900 * Rnd) + 100
        NewFileName = Year(Now) & Month(Now) & Day(Now) & Hour(Now) & Minute(Now) & Second(Now) & RanNum & "." & SaveFileType
        SaveFileName = sSavePath & NewFileName
        OutPutPath = "" & site_root & "/tools/loadimg.asp?FileName=" & NewFileName & ""
        Call SaveRemoteFile(SaveFileName,RemoteFileurl)
        s_Content = Replace(s_Content,RemoteFileurl,OutPutPath)
    ReplaceRemoteUrl = NewFileName & "|" & s_Content
End Function

Sub SaveRemoteFile(s_LocalFileName,s_RemoteFileUrl)
    Dim Ads,Retrieval,GetRemoteData
    On Error Resume Next
    Set Retrieval = Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
    With Retrieval
        .Open "Get",s_RemoteFileUrl,False,"",""
            GetRemoteData = .ResponseBody
    End With
    Set Retrieval = Nothing
    Set Ads = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
        Ads.Type = 1
        Ads.Write GetRemoteData
        Ads.SaveToFile Server.Mappath(s_LocalFileName),2
    Set Ads = Nothing
End Sub

Class Cls_vbsPage
    Private oConn
    Private iPagesize
    Private sPageName
    Private sDbType
    Private iRecType
    Private sJsUrl
    Private sField
    Private sTable
    Private sCondition
    Private sOrderBy
    Private sPkey
    Private iRecCount

    Private Sub Class_Initialize
        sField=" * "
    End Sub

    Public Property Set Conn(ByRef Value)
        Set oConn=Value
    End Property

    Public Property Let PageSize(ByVal intPageSize)
    End Property

    Public Property Let PageName(ByVal strPageName)
    End Property

    Public Property Let DbType(ByVal strDbType)
    End Property

    Public Property Let RecType(ByVal intRecType)
    End Property

    Public Property Let JsUrl(ByVal strJsUrl)
    End Property

    Public Property Let Pkey(ByVal strPkey)
    End Property

    Public Property Let Field(ByVal strField)
    End Property

    Public Property Let Table(ByVal strTable)
    End Property

    Public Property Let Condition(ByVal strCondition)
        Dim s
        sCondition=IIf(Len(s)>2," WHERE "&s,"")
    End Property

    Public Property Let OrderBy(ByVal strOrderBy)
        Dim s
        sOrderBy=IIf(Len(s)>4," ORDER BY "&s,"")
    End Property

    Public Property Get RecCount()
        If iRecType>0 Then
        Elseif iRecType=0 Then
            Dim s
            IF i=0 OR sCondition<>s Then
                i=oConn.Execute("SELECT COUNT("&sPkey&") FROM "&sTable&" "&sCondition,0,1)(0)
            End If
            i=oConn.Execute("SELECT COUNT("&sPkey&") FROM "&sTable&" "&sCondition,0,1)(0)
        End If
    End Property

    Public Property Get ResultSet()
        Dim s
        If i>0 Then
            Dim iPageCount,iPageCurr
            Select Case sDbType
                Case "MSSQL"
                    Set Rs=server.CreateObject("Adodb.RecordSet")
                    Set Cm=Server.CreateObject("Adodb.Command")
                    Cm.parameters(7)=Replace(sCondition," WHERE ","")
                    Cm.parameters(8)=Replace(sOrderBy," ORDER BY ","")
                    Rs.Open Cm
                Case "MYSQL"
                    ResultSet_Sql="SELECT "&sField&" FROM "&sTable&" "&sCondition&" "&sOrderBy&" LIMIT "&(iPageCurr-1)*iPageSize&","&iPageSize
                    Set Rs=oConn.Execute(ResultSet_Sql)
                Case Else
                    Dim Rs,ResultSet_Sql
                    Set Rs = Server.CreateObject ("Adodb.RecordSet")
                    ResultSet_Sql="SELECT "&sField&" FROM "&sTable&" "&sCondition&" "&sOrderBy
                    Rs.Open ResultSet_Sql,oConn,1,1,&H0001
            End Select
            Set Rs=Nothing
        End If
    End Property

    Private Sub Class_Terminate()
        If IsObject(oConn) Then oConn.Close:Set oConn=Nothing
    End Sub

    Private Function CheckNum(ByVal strStr,ByVal blnMin,ByVal blnMax,ByVal intMin,ByVal intMax)
        Dim i,s,iMi,iMa
        If IsNumeric(s) Then
            i=IIf(blnMin=1 And i<iMi,iMi,i)
            i=IIf(blnMax=1 And i>iMa,iMa,i)
        End If
    End Function

    Private Function IIf(ByVal blnBool,ByVal strStr1,ByVal strStr2)
        Dim s
        If blnBool Then
        End If
    End Function

    Public Sub ShowPage()
        <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="<%=sJsUrl%>/page.js"></script>
        <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
            var s = new Cls_jsPage(<%=iRecCount%>,<%=iPageSize%>,3,"s");
            s.setPageTextF(" {$PageTextF} "," {$PageTextF} ");
            s.setHtml("共{$RecCount}记录 页次{$Page}/{$PageCount} 每页{$PageSize}条 {$PageFrist} {$PagePrev} {$PageText} {$PageNext} {$PageLast} {$PageInput} {$PageSelect}");
    End Sub
End Class

Function GetHttpPage(HttpUrl)
    On Error Resume Next
    If IsNull(HttpUrl) = True Or Len(HttpUrl) < 18 Or HttpUrl = "$False$" Then
        GetHttpPage = "$False$"
        Exit Function
    End If
    Dim Http
    Set Http = Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
        Http.Open "GET",HttpUrl,False
    If Http.Readystate <> 4 Then
        Set Http = Nothing
        GetHttpPage = "$False$"
        Exit function
    End If
    GetHTTPPage = BytesToBstr(Http.ResponseBody,"GB2312")
    Set Http = Nothing
    If Err.Number <> 0 Then
        Exit Function
    End If
End Function

Function BytesToBstr(Body,Cset)
    Dim ObjStream
    Set ObjStream = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
        ObjStream.Type = 1
        ObjStream.Mode = 3
        ObjStream.Write Body
        ObjStream.Position = 0
        ObjStream.Type = 2
        ObjStream.Charset = Cset
        BytesToBstr = ObjStream.ReadText 
    Set ObjStream = Nothing
End Function

Function GetAllLinkTags(ContStr)
    Dim RegEx,Match,Matches,TempStr
    Set RegEx = New RegExp
        RegEx.Pattern = "<a .*?>.*?</a>"
        RegEx.IGnoreCase = True
        RegEx.Global = True
    Set Matches = RegEx.Execute(ContStr)
    For Each Match In Matches
        TempStr = TempStr & Match.Value & "|||"
    Set Matches = Nothing
    Set RegEx = Nothing
    GetAllLinkTags = TempStr
End Function

Function GetOtherContent(Str,StartStr,LastStr)
    On Error Resume Next
    Dim RegEx,SearchStr,Matches,Matche
    Str = Replace(Replace(Str,Chr(13),""),Chr(10),"")
    StartStr = Replace(Replace(StartStr,Chr(13),""),Chr(10),"")
    LastStr = Replace(Replace(LastStr,Chr(13),""),Chr(10),"")
    SearchStr = StartStr & ".*" & LastStr
    Set RegEx = New RegExp
        RegEx.IgnoreCase = True
        RegEx.Global = True
        RegEx.Pattern = SearchStr
    Set Matches = RegEx.Execute(Str)
    For Each Matche In Matches
        If Matche <> "" Then
            GetOtherContent = Matche
            RegEx.Pattern = StartStr
            GetOtherContent = RegEx.Replace(GetOtherContent,"")
            RegEx.Pattern = LastStr & ".*|\n"
            GetOtherContent = RegEx.Replace(GetOtherContent,"")
            GetOtherContent = ""
        End If
        If Err.Number <> 0 Then
            GetOtherContent = ""
        End If
        Exit For
End Function

Function FormatUrl(NewsLinkStr,ObjUrl)
    Dim URLSearchLoc
    If Left(LCase(NewsLinkStr),7) <> "http://" Then
        Dim CheckURLStr,TempCollectObjUrl,CheckObjUrl
            NewsLinkStr = Replace(Replace(Replace(NewsLinkStr,"'",""),"""","")," ","")
            TempCollectObjUrl = Left(ObjUrl,InStrRev(ObjUrl,"/"))
            CheckObjUrl = NewsLinkStr
            CheckURLStr = Left(NewsLinkStr,3)
        If Left(NewsLinkStr,1) = "/" Then
            URLSearchLoc = InStr(ObjUrl,"//") + 2
            FormatUrl = Left(ObjUrl,InStr(URLSearchLoc,ObjUrl,"/") - 1)
            FormatUrl = FormatUrl & NewsLinkStr
        ElseIf CheckURLStr = "../" Then
            Do While Not CheckURLStr <> "../"
                CheckObjUrl = Mid(CheckObjUrl,4)
                If Right(TempCollectObjUrl,1) = "/" Then TempCollectObjUrl = Left(TempCollectObjUrl,Len(TempCollectObjUrl) - 1)
                TempCollectObjUrl = Left(TempCollectObjUrl,InStrRev(TempCollectObjUrl,"/"))
                CheckURLStr = Left(CheckObjUrl,3)
            FormatUrl = TempCollectObjUrl & CheckObjUrl
            FormatUrl = TempCollectObjUrl & NewsLinkStr
        End If
        FormatUrl = NewsLinkStr
    End If
End Function

Function ReplaceContentStr(ContentStr)
    Dim TempContentStr
        TempContentStr = ContentStr
    If RuleDataBox(14,0) = 1 Then
        TempContentStr = LoseHtml(TempContentStr)
        TempContentStr = LoseNoteTag(TempContentStr)
        If RuleDataBox(15,0) = 1 Then TempContentStr = LoseStyleTag(TempContentStr)
        If RuleDataBox(16,0) = 1 Then TempContentStr = LoseDivTag(TempContentStr)
        If RuleDataBox(17,0) = 1 Then TempContentStr = LoseATag(TempContentStr)
        If RuleDataBox(18,0) = 1 Then TempContentStr = LoseFontTag(TempContentStr)
        If RuleDataBox(19,0) = 1 Then TempContentStr = LoseSpanTag(TempContentStr)
        If RuleDataBox(20,0) = 1 Then TempContentStr = LoseObjectTag(TempContentStr)
        If RuleDataBox(21,0) = 1 Then TempContentStr = LoseIFrameTag(TempContentStr)
        If RuleDataBox(22,0) = 1 Then TempContentStr = LoseScriptTag(TempContentStr)
        If RuleDataBox(23,0) = 1 Then TempContentStr = LoseClassTag(TempContentStr)
        TempContentStr = LoseTableTag(TempContentStr)
        TempContentStr = LoseTDTag(TempContentStr)
        TempContentStr = LoseTRTag(TempContentStr)
    End If
    ReplaceContentStr = TempContentStr
End Function

Function CNReplaceContentStr(ContentStr)
    Dim TempContentStr
        TempContentStr = ContentStr
    If CNRuleDataBox(14,0) = 1 Then
        TempContentStr = LoseHtml(TempContentStr)
        TempContentStr = LoseNoteTag(TempContentStr)
        If CNRuleDataBox(15,0) = 1 Then TempContentStr = LoseStyleTag(TempContentStr)
        If CNRuleDataBox(16,0) = 1 Then TempContentStr = LoseDivTag(TempContentStr)
        If CNRuleDataBox(17,0) = 1 Then TempContentStr = LoseATag(TempContentStr)
        If CNRuleDataBox(18,0) = 1 Then TempContentStr = LoseFontTag(TempContentStr)
        If CNRuleDataBox(19,0) = 1 Then TempContentStr = LoseSpanTag(TempContentStr)
        If CNRuleDataBox(20,0) = 1 Then TempContentStr = LoseObjectTag(TempContentStr)
        If CNRuleDataBox(21,0) = 1 Then TempContentStr = LoseIFrameTag(TempContentStr)
        If CNRuleDataBox(22,0) = 1 Then TempContentStr = LoseScriptTag(TempContentStr)
        If CNRuleDataBox(23,0) = 1 Then TempContentStr = LoseClassTag(TempContentStr)
        TempContentStr = LoseTableTag(TempContentStr)
        TempContentStr = LoseTDTag(TempContentStr)
        TempContentStr = LoseTRTag(TempContentStr)
    End If
    CNReplaceContentStr = TempContentStr
End Function

Function LoseHtml(ContentStr)
    Dim ClsTempLoseStr,RegEx
        ClsTempLoseStr = Cstr(ContentStr)
    Set RegEx = New RegExp
        RegEx.Pattern = "<\/*[^<>]*>"
        RegEx.IgnoreCase = True
        RegEx.Global = True
    ClsTempLoseStr = RegEx.Replace(ClsTempLoseStr,"")
    Set RegEx = Nothing
    LoseHtml = ClsTempLoseStr
End function

Function LoseClassTag(ContentStr)
    Dim ClsTempLoseStr,RegEx
        ClsTempLoseStr = Cstr(ContentStr)
    Set RegEx = New RegExp
        RegEx.Pattern = "(class=){1,}(""|\'){0,1}\S+(""|\'|>|\s){0,1}"
        RegEx.IgnoreCase = True
        RegEx.Global = True
    ClsTempLoseStr = RegEx.Replace(ClsTempLoseStr,"")
    LoseClassTag = ClsTempLoseStr
    Set RegEx = Nothing
End Function

Function LoseScriptTag(ContentStr)
    Dim ClsTempLoseStr,RegEx
        ClsTempLoseStr = Cstr(ContentStr)
    Set RegEx = New RegExp
        RegEx.Pattern = "(<script){1,}[^<>]*>[^\0]*(<\/script>){1,}"
        RegEx.IgnoreCase = True
        RegEx.Global = True
    ClsTempLoseStr = RegEx.Replace(ClsTempLoseStr,"")
    LoseScriptTag = ClsTempLoseStr
    Set RegEx = Nothing
End Function

Function LoseIFrameTag(ContentStr)
    Dim ClsTempLoseStr,RegEx
        ClsTempLoseStr = Cstr(ContentStr)
    Set RegEx = New RegExp
        RegEx.Pattern = "(<iframe){1,}[^<>]*>[^\0]*(<\/iframe>){1,}"
        RegEx.IgnoreCase = True
        RegEx.Global = True
    ClsTempLoseStr = RegEx.Replace(ClsTempLoseStr,"")
    LoseIFrameTag = ClsTempLoseStr
    Set RegEx = Nothing
End Function

Function LoseObjectTag(ContentStr)
    Dim ClsTempLoseStr,RegEx
        ClsTempLoseStr = Cstr(ContentStr)
    Set RegEx = New RegExp
        RegEx.Pattern = "(<object){1,}[^<>]*>[^\0]*(<\/object>){1,}"
        RegEx.IgnoreCase = True
        RegEx.Global = True
    ClsTempLoseStr = RegEx.Replace(ClsTempLoseStr,"")
    LoseObjectTag = ClsTempLoseStr
    Set RegEx = Nothing
End Function

Function LoseSpanTag(ContentStr)
    Dim ClsTempLoseStr,RegEx
        ClsTempLoseStr = Cstr(ContentStr)
    Set RegEx = New RegExp
        RegEx.Pattern = "<(\/){0,1}span[^<>]*>"
        RegEx.IgnoreCase = True
        RegEx.Global = True
    ClsTempLoseStr = RegEx.Replace(ClsTempLoseStr,"")
    LoseSpanTag = ClsTempLoseStr
    Set RegEx = Nothing
End Function

Function LoseFontTag(ContentStr)
    Dim ClsTempLoseStr,RegEx
        ClsTempLoseStr = Cstr(ContentStr)
    Set RegEx = New RegExp
        RegEx.Pattern = "<(\/){0,1}font[^<>]*>"
        RegEx.IgnoreCase = True
        RegEx.Global = True
    ClsTempLoseStr = RegEx.Replace(ClsTempLoseStr,"")
    LoseFontTag = ClsTempLoseStr
    Set RegEx = Nothing
End Function

Function LoseATag(ContentStr)
    Dim ClsTempLoseStr,RegEx
        ClsTempLoseStr = Cstr(ContentStr)
    Set RegEx = New RegExp
        RegEx.Pattern = "<(\/){0,1}a[^<>]*>"
        RegEx.IgnoreCase = True
        RegEx.Global = True
    ClsTempLoseStr = RegEx.Replace(ClsTempLoseStr,"")
    LoseATag = ClsTempLoseStr
    Set RegEx = Nothing
End Function

Function LoseDivTag(ContentStr)
    Dim ClsTempLoseStr,RegEx
        ClsTempLoseStr = Cstr(ContentStr)
    Set RegEx = New RegExp
        RegEx.Pattern = "<(\/){0,1}div[^<>]*>"
        RegEx.IgnoreCase = True
        RegEx.Global = True
    ClsTempLoseStr = RegEx.Replace(ClsTempLoseStr,"")
    LoseDivTag = ClsTempLoseStr
    Set RegEx = Nothing
End Function

Function LoseStyleTag(ContentStr)
    Dim ClsTempLoseStr,RegEx
        ClsTempLoseStr = Cstr(ContentStr)
    Set RegEx = New RegExp
        RegEx.Pattern = "(<style){1,}[^<>]*>[^\0]*(<\/style>){1,}"
        RegEx.IgnoreCase = True
        RegEx.Global = True
    ClsTempLoseStr = RegEx.Replace(ClsTempLoseStr,"")
    LoseStyleTag = ClsTempLoseStr
    Set RegEx = Nothing
End Function

Function LoseNoteTag(ContentStr)
    Dim ClsTempLoseStr,RegEx
        ClsTempLoseStr = Cstr(ContentStr)
    Set RegEx = New RegExp
        RegEx.Pattern = "<!--\/*[^<>]*-->"
        RegEx.IgnoreCase = True
        RegEx.Global = True
    ClsTempLoseStr = RegEx.Replace(ClsTempLoseStr,"")
    LoseNoteTag = ClsTempLoseStr
    Set RegEx = Nothing
End Function

Function LoseTableTag(ContentStr)
    Dim ClsTempLoseStr,RegEx
        ClsTempLoseStr = Cstr(ContentStr)
    Set RegEx = New RegExp
        RegEx.Pattern = "<(\/){0,1}table[^<>]*>"
        RegEx.IgnoreCase = True
        RegEx.Global = True
    ClsTempLoseStr = RegEx.Replace(ClsTempLoseStr,"")
    LoseTableTag = ClsTempLoseStr
    Set RegEx = Nothing
End Function

Function LoseTDTag(ContentStr)
    Dim ClsTempLoseStr,RegEx
        ClsTempLoseStr = Cstr(ContentStr)
    Set RegEx = New RegExp
        RegEx.Pattern = "<(\/){0,1}td[^<>]*>"
        RegEx.IgnoreCase = True
        RegEx.Global = True
    ClsTempLoseStr = RegEx.Replace(ClsTempLoseStr,"")
    LoseTDTag = ClsTempLoseStr
    Set RegEx = Nothing
End Function

Function LoseTRTag(ContentStr)
    Dim ClsTempLoseStr,RegEx
        ClsTempLoseStr = Cstr(ContentStr)
    Set RegEx = New RegExp
        RegEx.Pattern = "<(\/){0,1}tr[^<>]*>"
        RegEx.IgnoreCase = True
        RegEx.Global = True
    ClsTempLoseStr = RegEx.Replace(ClsTempLoseStr,"")
    LoseTRTag = ClsTempLoseStr
    Set RegEx = Nothing
End Function


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